A Roadmap for Leaders Looking to Succeed in a World of Increasing Complexity & Chaos!

Despite the billions of dollars invested every year into leadership development, leaders aren’t collectively becoming more successful. Existing tools like assessments, models, and styles have proven largely inadequate in equipping leaders for today’s age of work.

For leaders to succeed in a landscape more unpredictable than ever, they need a new perspective and a brand-new set of skills that center around what is missing in the models and existing tools: flexibility.

Flexible Leadership is every leader’s guide to greater success in a world of increasing complexity and chaos.

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Flexible Leadership is every leader’s guide to greater success in a world of increasing complexity and chaos.

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Leadership is complicated and difficult. That’s always been true but is truer now than ever. If you long for a return to the “good old days” of less complications and more certainty, it is time to wake up. The context in which we lead and work in the future will be trickier and more entangled. And yet, in the most important ways, the essence and goals of leadership haven’t changed, nor do I believe they ever will.

Everything seems to be changing, yet the most important things aren’t changing at all.

This is the first of many paradoxes you will be reminded of or discover in this book.

In a world that is growing more complicated, complex, and challenging, we must find ways to understand that context without losing sight of what matters most. That is the big idea and big goal of this book: to help us see the complexity, embrace it, and operate within it without losing our heads or creating confusion for ourselves and our teams.

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Praise for Flexible Leadership

Flexible Leadership is an excellent guide to modern situational leadership in an increasingly connected and complex work environment. Most importantly, this work provides profound insight on how to put these critical new principles to work in your personal leadership journey today.

Kent Womack // Senior Vice President, Operations, American Soda LLC

Kevin Eikenberry has been a mentor and thought partner in my leadership journey for nearly two decades. His latest book distills the mindset, skillset, and habits needed to thrive in today’s complex environment. Kevin’s real-world insights make this book a practical playbook for leaders at any stage. His authentic and flexible approach has shaped my own leadership philosophy, and I know it will resonate deeply with others seeking to lead with clarity and confidence.

Scott Blecke // CEO, Yampa Valley Electric Association

In a time when authentic leadership is more crucial than ever, Flexible Leadership offers a timely and refreshing approach. Grounded in the study of opposites, it provides a rooted foundation from which confident, balanced decisions can grow. It’s an essential guide for those ready to lead with clarity, adaptability, and purpose.

Scott Allison // Vice President, Professional Services, MyEyeDr.

In a world where leadership has become increasingly complex, Flexible Leadership emerges as a timely and essential guide. This book is an invitation to rethink leadership and to build a legacy that adapts to the complexities of our time. If you’re looking for a road map to elevate your leadership journey, this is exactly the guide you need.

Kavita Kurup // Global Head, Human Resources, UST

No matter how experienced you may be as a leader, Flexible Leadership will give you new ways to think about how you lead every day. Kevin provides a great framework to help readers consider what type of leadership is needed in different situations instead of falling back on their preferred leadership style. This book is one worth referring back to to keep your leadership in balance.

Christy Denault // Vice President, Marketing and Communications, National Precast Concrete Association


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