Accountability is consistently on the Top Ten of my Hit Parade. Leaders regularly ask me questions about it, hoping I will have the magic answer. They ask: “How can I get my people to be more accountable?” “Why aren’t people accountable anymore?” “Can I coach accountability?” And more! Personal accountability is sorely lacking—and urgently needed

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Building and nurturing strong working relationships is one of the most important skills any professional can possess. After all, human beings are social beings, and business is conducted by those humans. The need to build relationships doesn’t go away when we become leaders, but the nature of, number of, and complexity of those relationships changes.

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Ever notice how some people are able to gain support for their ideas—almost instantly it seems—while others must battle resistance to every single thing they propose? It’s all about influence. Learning how to influence others—peers, superiors, even your customers—without relying on your position within the org chart is an art and an important one to

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As leaders, we face things every day that we never dreamed we would ever face. And one of the biggest crises is one that no one talks about – a crisis of leadership confidence. Leaders want to lead, know they must lead, and yet the situation leaves them wondering how to best meet these challenges

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Most would agree that giving feedback is a foundational skill for leaders. Actually though, it is a skill we all need, regardless of our relationship to others. That being said, effectively communicating feedback isn’t always easy … especially when the message is complex, the receiver isn’t listening or it’s a potentially sensitive subject. Effective feedback

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Organizations are experiencing a major talent crunch. From employee turnover to challenges in finding talent, many organizations are cutting operating hours, slashing initiatives and running leaner than ever because they can’t get the quantity and quality of talent they need. How can you as a leader improve your organization’s ability to retain and attract the

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No one likes to be micromanaged, yet we have all experienced it. It is often the case that people want to talk about the micromanagement inflicted on them far more often than asking if they are inflicting it on others. The paradox of micromanagement is that no one likes it, yet it continues to occur.

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Email was supposed to make our lives easier. In a matter of minutes, you can fire off multiple messages to teammates across the globe; you can schedule and plan meetings and events; you can share files. It saves time, energy and even money. So why do we hate it despite the ease and convenience it

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Stories have the power to . . . Inspire us. Heal a hurt. Build or rebuild a relationship. Incite action. Reconnect us to memories of the past. Motivate us to change. Make us laugh. See a new perspective. The stories in this book will help you do one or all of these things. “Kevin will

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