
Our success is only made possible by your passion for learning and growing.
Here are a few stories of leaders, just like you, who are making a REMARKABLE difference in their organizations, teams and lives.

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As a long-distance leader, I have found much value in Kevin's book, Long-Distance Leader, as well as the training through videos. I have passed on to my leads and my team has grown from it.

Jean Baker | Air Methods Corp

I attended the Virtual Leader Conference for 4 out of the 5 days and gutted I missed day one! The speakers were excellent and I learned a lot at the same time as having fun. I loved the camaraderie between everyone who attended and the organising team and also the expert skills of Kevin Eikenberry as the facilitator. It was extremely interactive, interesting, inspiring and motivational. I was also very lucky to win some of the books (signed by the authors) and many were given away over the 5 days. The way each day was summarised at the end of the day and people’s take-aways was also inspiring. I would highly recommend the conferences and the Eikenberry organisation.

Sue France | Sue France Training

The Leadership learning provided each week by Kevin is truly remarkable. The content is thought provoking,easy to understand and more importantly to practice....it truly does make a difference to your effectiveness as a leader.

Phil Delaney | BDC

Kevin and his team provide practical and useful leadership resources. These resources will assist you on your leadership journey.

John Hackett | University of St Francis

I don't always have the time to read them when they come in, but I try to take at least a few mins. each week to review the information and articles that are relevant to me. I truly appreciate the fact that they are usually less than 10 minutes making it easy for me to fit it in between other tasks. I also appreciate being able to go to the website for more in depth, detailed and longer articles related to the topic at hand when I need to. A great combination of knowledge sharing, training and convenience that everyone should be able to utilize. Thank you for the awesome and inspiring articles! Keep it up, please!

Jill Simpson | Florida Dept. of Children and Families

Leaders focused on developing leaders, will find the resources and wisdom provided by Kevin and his Remarkable team are essential tools for promoting leadership growth.

Jan Dietz | Stefanini

Always something to implement that same day!

Scott Shafer | Bingaman and Son Lumber, Inc.

Kevin's approach is warm and yet still challenging. You want to immediately try his ideas and measure ROI because they ring so true.

Roxanne Rizzo | C3i Solutions

Kevin Eikenberry’s Remarkable Leadership videos are quick and focus on very specific leadership skills needed to drive our organization. The downloadable tools are great resources to share, which I have!

Dawn Rumney | 

Last weeks Virtual Leader Con run by Kevin Eikenberry and his team was an absolutely first class event. The sessions were incredibly informative, delivered by experts in their respective areas and managed professionally by Kevin as the ‘interviewer’. The chat facility on the Crowd Cast tool being used added a whole new dimension to the event that would never be achieved at a ‘live’ event. This engendered a real feeling of community over the week and allowed everyone to share experiences, answer quick calls from Kevin, congratulate people when one of the (many!) prizes were won and even share the odd joke. Overall and excellent event that I would recommend highly to anyone with an interest in leadership topics and I can, without doubt, say I will be registering for the next as soon as it is advertised. Well done to Kevin and all his team.

Aidan Dunne | remoteconsulting.ie

Nice job on Virtual LeaderCon! Looking forward to listening to all of the sessions over the coming days. Definitely worth the price for Premium!!

Maureen Durack | 

The once a week tickler with practical tips for improving or reinforcing leadership skills is well worth getting linked to the Remarkable Leadership subscription. Kevin is authentic in his delivery with concise content. Take 5-15 minutes a week to check this out and you will discover a lift in your work week.

John Pedersen | 

Kevin effectively shares his extensive knowledge and keen insights through his many valuable resources. Kevin is a highly professional thought leader in the field of leadership whose guidance is well worth considering.

William Yakowicz | 

I have learned a lot in the few sessions I have attended. My team was challenging under the best circumstances and COVID-19 has now turned it into a significant management challenge. I am learning how to be a better leader remotely now and I know some of these will transfer back over when I return to the office. Thank you so much!

Kimberly Whittemore | 

I just watched one of Kevin's videos re communication in a remote work environment and it hit the nail on the head. Spoke directly to the issues we are facing.

Cynthia Kothmann | 

Kevin's down-home style and honest, common-sense approach to being a better leader is well worth the time it takes to listen or read every day - at least it is if you are willing to admit that you can get better at what you do and if you have a desire to learn and grow!

Paul Brubaker | Karl Storz Endoscopy America

I love the fact that these gems drop into my mailbox weekly -- when things get crazy, Kevin is right there proactively sending me value-added content.

Darren Smith | 

I only wish I had this resource 35 years ago, but I still find something of value everyday!

Walt Olsen | 

Most of all the resources help keep me positive that things can change!

Kevin VanWagner | Wycliffe Bible Translators

I have found the information and concepts Kevin delivers helpful in my development as a leader. His ability to deliver meaningful content in every communication means I do not spend time reading without gaining insightful learning. These learning opportunities I can apply and advance my knowledge of leadership every day.

Jim Senkalski | Ace Viking Electric Motor Co., Inc.