About Kevin

Proud husband, father, son, and leader of a Remarkable team. Optimist, entrepreneur, reader, and learner. Believer in people. Open to change and lover of traditions. Fan of home-smoked brisket and bacon, and home-made pie. Bleeds Purdue black and gold, and John Deere green and yellow.

The Back Story

Kevin grew up on a farm in Michigan, and believes there is no finer way to grow up.  He spent his kidhood working along-side his father, learning about growing things, watching the weather, working hard and trusting the Lord. This background says much about who he is and what he believes.  Family. Trust. Values. Possibilities. Empowerment (and much more) are the things he learned and make him who he is today.

So how did Kevin get into this business?

Because of Kevin’s background – growing up in a family business, he always saw himself in business for himself.  For many years he assumed that would be a farming or related business. After time at Purdue, he worked for Chevron Chemical Company in sales and marketing jobs in the agriculture sector, then worked his way into a training and development role for the Chevron Corporation. It was there that Kevin realized some of his greatest personal strengths, and determined his purpose in life. Rather than growing plants or animals, Kevin was put on earth to grow people.  At that point he knew exactly what he would be doing when starting a business.

In the fall of 1993, he left Chevron to start the company now known as The Kevin Eikenberry Group (our third name!). For the first several years it was just Kevin, consulting and training. Now he is super proud to lead our much larger team.  Our story, reach and impact is just getting started.

How Others Describe Kevin

His Team

  • He models what he teaches
  • Authentic and grounded in the real world
  • A remarkable example of servant leadership
  • Optimistic
  • High integrity
  • An achiever
  • An encourager and supporter of others
  • Philanthropic
  • Supports people on their journey to arrive at their own best-version of themselves

Our Clients

  • Very energetic, passionate about what he does, authentic, grounded, and thought provoking
  • My role model of a leader
  • He has the gift of making sense of things that are hard to understand and do
  • Inspiring and a true coach
  • Dynamic, energizing, empathetic
  • The master at asking just the right question at just the right time
  • He makes me think
  • Thoughtful themes and ideas are given, always with a smile and the human in center.
  • Positive and real
  • Because of Kevin, I’m a better version of myself.  Kevin makes the world a much better place.
  • Enthusiastic
  • Sincere, humble and a great teacher
  • A gifted presenter who is able to take current, complex challenges and provide a real-life practical framework for action
  • Kevin is the kind of person who makes me feel like I’m his friend, not just an acquaintance, client, or business associate.
  • Passionate about leadership
  • My intellectual hero for leadership

His Friends

  • Honest, engaging, motivating. Encourages personal growth and learning. Humble.
  • Cares about family. Traditional. Fun easy-going. Knowledgeable. Thoughtful.
  • Farm Strong
  • Hard working. Thoughtful, true hearted and genuine with a passion for doing things right
  • A natural born leader. A person you want on your team
  • Ambitious risk taker
  • There continues to be much talk about servant leadership, and Kevin is more than this. He practices friending leadership. Kevin always brings depth to his relationships as a friend.