Whether you have heard of Parkinson’s Law or not, you have heard of the idea. Here’s how Cyril Northcote Parkinson opened his essay in The Economist in 1955: “It is a commonplace observation that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” That line became known as Parkinson’s Law. It has stimulated

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Things happen regularly that can shift or steal the focus of individuals, but there are a whole range of big events that can negatively impact team focus. It could be an internal change, a merger, a challenge for a teammate. But it could also be a major sporting event, storm, or new story. Whatever the

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Presentations are a fundamental aspect of professional communication, yet many presenters fall into common traps that undermine their effectiveness. To help you elevate your presentation skills, we’ll explore two crucial mistakes to avoid. These insights will ensure your message is delivered clearly and engagingly, making your presentations more impactful.Don’t Read Your SlidesOne of the most

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There are lots of adjectives used to describe leaders. And while the idea of a humble leader isn’t a new one, it isn’t in the top five (or even fifteen) descriptors used. There are several reasons for that, even though there was a great book, with two editions, written with the title Humble Leadership. While humble

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As a leader and presenter, how you close your presentation is just as important as how you open it. In fact, a strong closing can leave a lasting impact on your audience and drive them to take the desired actions. Here are three effective strategies to ensure you finish your presentations on a high note.1.

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The phrase transformational leadership was coined by James MacGregor Burns in his book Leadership in 1978. The idea and ideal of this leadership style has been studied, talked about, and sometimes misunderstood ever since. At the core, transformational leadership is a style that focuses on inspiring and motivating people to achieve their highest potential while

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In a world of work that is more knowledge-based than ever, effective thinking skills are among the most valuable skills to possess and for an organization to covet. Yet many organizations, in unintentional ways, are keeping people from thinking, or are hindering their ability to think at their best. If you want better organizational results,

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Starting your presentation strong is essential for capturing your audience’s attention and setting the stage for a successful delivery. The opening of your presentation is crucial for two primary reasons: it grabs the audience’s attention and it builds interest. Without these elements, your audience may not listen or stay engaged. Here are five effective strategies

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Effective presentations are a cornerstone of successful communication, whether in leadership, education, or any field requiring the conveyance of ideas. One of the most enduring and straightforward methods to structure a presentation was first introduced over 2500 years ago by Aristotle. This method, still relevant today, is based on a simple three-part structure: Introduction, Body,

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