One of the most important things a leader can do is set clear expectations for the team and individual team members. Most will agree with this statement, even though not everyone is very good at doing it. But there is another level of expectations that is equally important and even more often overlooked – organizational
You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. Hi, I’m Kevin Eikenberry, answering the questions that new leaders ask us. Actually, it’s our goal to help all leaders be more productive, successful, and confident. And this is one of the ways we do that. If you like what you see here, make sure you subscribe so you
There is a short list of things for which nearly everyone strives. When you put that list in terms of our work, success, and career, productivity is one of those desirable outcomes. When something is both important and desirable, you would think we would have a pretty clear picture of it. Instead, there are tons
It has been three years since the world and the world of work were changed by a virus. COVID-19 was spreading and people were staying at or were sent home. For many, because of the lockdowns, work changed forever. Even for organizations where most (or all) employees stayed in the workplace, the context of work
Think about how it feels when you are misunderstood after communicating with someone. None of the emotions are positive, and none of the outcomes are likely very good for the communication and perhaps the relationship. Misunderstandings can come directly from our words. But more often, the root of misunderstanding is a disconnect between the sender’s
Picture this… You’re working on a project, and you’re giving what you believe to be your best effort to get things right and to deliver the project on time. One day, your supervisor comes to you to offer some “feedback” on your performance. Where does your mind go? Do you think “great, I was looking
Admittedly, it is a bold statement – that two tickets to a virtual event could change your organization’s future. Bold, but true. If your organization is struggling with Return to Office, trying to figure out what the future of work needs to look like, wondering how to design your team for this future, wanting greater
Talk about employee engagement has never been louder than it is today. But much like the distortion you get in your music when you turn your speakers up to the max, more talk hasn’t made this topic clearer. Let’s take a few minutes to dispel the myth of employee engagement, turn down the volume, and
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