The idea for this post comes from being a fan of college basketball. I enjoy the action, excitement, and suspense of the games. But I also draw leadership, teamwork, and coaching insight from watching, too. As I’ve watched my beloved Purdue Boilermakers this winter, I’ve asked myself if it takes a team of stars to

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The bad news is that being a leader is one of the most complex jobs on the planet, at least if you want to do it well. The good news is that when you learn to do it well (or better) the rewards, both personally and organizationally are astounding.  And the great news is that

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If you’ve been in the workplace for very long, you’ve likely experienced micromanagement. And if you’ve been a leader for very long, whether you want to believe it or not, you have likely been guilty of doing it yourself… Micromanagement isn’t just a bad habit. It’s an individual leadership problem that is potentially a major root cause

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What are the skills of the ideal team member? Organizations need to think about this for recruiting and interviewing. And any individual (perhaps that is you) who wants to grow themselves and their career needs to ask this question too. The answer often falls into two areas – the job skills (experience, subject knowledge, etc.

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You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Hi, I’m Kevin. I am answering the questions that new leaders ask us. Actually, it’s our goal to help all leaders be more productive, confident, and successful. And if you’re watching on YouTube, make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss any future episodes, and make sure to

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As a new leader or supervisor, one of the skills you might have the least experience with is coaching others.  While we have lots of resources to help you learn coaching skills; beyond the skills you also need confidence. Here are some ways to build your coaching confidence. Remember that you don’t have to know

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One of the things that differentiates us as humans from the other life forms on the planet is our ability to learn – to learn deeply and broadly. And while so many of us think of learning as being school-related, today we’re talking about social and peer learning. Social learning is a theory that was formulated

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Wintertime memories of my kidhood include doing jigsaw puzzles in our living room. And in the first two weeks of this year, while far from a kid, I have completed two jigsaw puzzles. When I was a kid, I was just doing puzzles. But now, as I find the next piece, I have been thinking

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Everyone talks about the importance of leadership in any organization – and rightfully so. But there is far more talk than action. And often, when organizations invest time and money to develop leaders, it is invested in the wrong place. Let me ask you a question – Are your frontline leaders getting the results they

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One of the first pieces of advice you likely received when you became a leader was that you need to learn to delegate. This well-meaning advice acknowledges that as a leader you will have more to do than ever, and that handing some of those tasks to others is a good and productive strategy. That

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