The best teams play hard to the finish. The most exciting races come down to people competing through the finish line. There is tremendous power in the final few weeks of the year – it is the final leg of the race. The power of year-end is finishing the race to the end, powering through
Does your organization want (and need) more effective front-line leadership? Do you have talented internal trainers and want to leverage their skills for organizational impact? If so, let me suggest the best thing they could do now. It is hard to argue the importance of more effective front-line leadership to the success of any organization.
So, what does it mean to have emotional intelligence? Much has been written about this idea. However, no one ever asked what it means to have emotional intelligence until 1995, when psychologist, Daniel Goleman, wrote his landmark book, Emotional Intelligence. In this article, I won’t try to summarize or overly simplify ideas. Instead, I will share
The word “new” is a word that conjures up many feelings because “new” implies change. And there’s always an emotional component to change. Sometimes that emotion is positive and sometimes it’s negative. But whichever it is, there’s certain to be emotion surrounding it. So here at The Kevin Eikenberry Group, “new” is the word of
Workplace wellbeing isn’t something many people talked about 30 years ago. While that may not be surprising, it wasn’t on the radar of many people three years ago either. Now, mental and emotional health is a safer topic for cocktail parties, is mentioned on the news, and cited as a problem by top performers around
If you’re a leader, you’re in the change business. And if you’re in the change business, you have to think about how you help people make the choice to change. If you want people to change, you need to be more influential. And so since leadership is an influence activity, we should work on getting better
You’ve heard it said that failing to plan is planning to fail. You have also likely had times when you didn’t plan or didn’t do it well enough. While we all agree with that wisdom of planning, we don’t always implement a planning process that improves our success rate. While planning (especially for big projects)
Most organizations set goals. And the teams in those organizations either set theirs or are handed them based on those organizational goals. While we could have a conversation about how effectively they are set, the biggest problem isn’t in the setting process. It is in having a plan for achieving goals once they are set.
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