Since before you started school, you learned from others. You learned from your parents, of course, but from siblings, neighbors, most anyone around you. You learned from observing and mimicking, and later by asking them questions or exploring new things together. Learning from others – peer learning – was a natural and formative part of

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Struggle is an unavoidable part of life, and as leaders, it’s something we all face at some point. It’s natural to want to avoid it or feel frustrated when we encounter it, but the reality is, struggle can be one of the most valuable experiences we have. While it may be uncomfortable or seem unfair,

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Priorities, procrastination, and productivity. All of us have struggled with at least one (or maybe all three) in our lives. One we want less of, one we want more of, and one we want to be clearer. Let’s talk about the connection between these elusive ideas and what we can do to get all of

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Over the last few years, remote work has shifted from an occasional convenience to an essential part of our professional lives. As someone who has spent a significant amount of time researching and practicing leadership in remote environments, I can tell you this: leading remotely isn’t the same as leading in person. While many of

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In some ways, there are just two types of organizations. Those that invest in leadership development (at a wide variety of levels) and those that don’t. My simple and practical advice today applies to both types of organizations. This advice is centered on two powerful principles. That when people talk about their challenges and goals, they

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I recently ate at a breakfast buffet where there was a rapidly replenished large selection of delicious food choices. As I ate, and observed others, I determined there are three basic strategies that we employ at a buffet, and I think they relate to the learning strategies we all have available to us as well.

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In today’s fast-paced business environment, email has become an essential tool for communication. However, with its widespread use comes a common challenge: email overload. Many professionals feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of emails they receive daily, making it difficult to stay productive and focused on important tasks. If you find yourself drowning in emails,

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There are 26 letters in the alphabet, and occasionally I have written keys to help you become a better coach using those letters. In the past, I covered the first 15 letters. Here are those posts: A-C D-F G-I J-L M-O  Today, I’m giving your three more keys to coaching success, using the next three letters

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You’ve been there. The workshop or learning experience ends – and it was wonderful. You have some new ideas and skills and have some motivation and interest in applying them and are ready to go. Even if the workshop was average, you likely leave with an idea you would like to try when you get

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NFL football is a big business. It is more popular than ever and creates many of the most watched shows in the United States each year. And each of those games provides leadership lessons, if we look for them. If you are a football fan, you are going love this post. But even if you

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