While it’s not officially summer for a couple of weeks, many of us already feel like the season is here. Hot weather, the close of school for summer break, cook outs, and vacations have us in a summer state of mind. As leaders, we must understand all that summer brings, while still keeping a focus

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Recently, I was reminded of the Smith System – a safe driving methodology designed to reduce the chance of major accidents. I was taught this system before I received my company car, and I still remember the five key ideas. In reviewing that list – from memory – 35+ years later, I realized those same

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Last winter, the world of work (and leadership) changed as a pandemic sent many people into new working locations and configurations. Now as businesses open up and lockdowns subside, the working world will look different again. Are you ready for leading in a post-pandemic world? Are you prepared for the new changes that are coming

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by Kevin Eikenberry If you worked remotely over the past year or so, you are likely now in one of two positions:  You either know you will have some sort of hybrid work future, or you are still waiting to hear what your future of work will be, but expect there will be a hybrid

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As a driver, you know you have blindspots. There are things you simply can’t see as you drive. But knowing these exist, while important, isn’t the same as being warned when a problem is imminent. The advent of systems on cars to remind us, warn us, and keep us from ignoring our blindspots are amazing

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In the last year, for a variety of reasons, there has been an explosion of virtual learning events. Only one (that I know of) can boast that this year they will host their 11th annual online coaching conference. It is going to be fantastic, free, and I’m excited to be a part of it. The

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By Kevin Eikenberry Which matters more, the results people are hired to do, or the people who must do that work? Some see it like the chicken and the egg riddle, while others clearly find themselves on one side of the other.  We are living in a time where the tangible results of how leaders

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Awhile back, I wrote a post on Linked In and had a blinding flash of the obvious. I asked a question at the end of the post and the post got more engagement and comments than ever before. I went back to see how often I ended with a question. And as I suspected, it

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There is plenty for all of us to learn about coaching. Our coaching success comes from mindsets that matter, skills we can practice, and habits we can form. I have been gradually building a coaching alphabet. Today, I’m adding the letters M, N, and O to my coaching alphabet tools. Here are links to the

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Yes, I am going to announce two new websites. And yes, I am proud of our team for creating them. But no, this isn’t a gratuitous post. We created these website resources to help you reach your goals. TheFutureofWork.biz In case you haven’t noticed, for many people the world of work has been upended over

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