I grew up on a farm, so we spread a lot of things. But today we are talking about what we are spreading as leaders. Because our words, our attitudes and our energy are all contagious. And it’s important that we’re spreading the right thing. https://youtu.be/vHOUEAH62es?rel=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it out: Your words, attitude and energy are

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Leading a remote team is not easy. One of the most difficult things is knowing what, and how well our people are doing at their jobs. This impacts everything from the daily affirmations and “atta girls” that keep people engaged and motivated to year end performance reviews. The biggest question many managers ask is this:

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Engagement is a popular topic and something that most organizations are constantly striving for. And it’s a worthy goal but the problem is that most organizations are thinking about it all wrong. To help us understand this, it might help if we take a look at the actual definition of the word. Engagement (noun) Emotional

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We’ve all walked out of a meeting and thought “Wow, that was a waste of time.” Perhaps the meeting had no clear purpose, the participants strayed off topic or the issues weren’t adequately resolved. Regardless, you left the meeting feeling frustrated. This time-wasting experience could have been avoided if the person preparing for the meeting

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I meet with a lot of leaders who are frustrated with people on their team who are not doing something at all or who aren’t doing something in a certain way. And in order to address this concern, there is one question that they can ask to determine WHY this is: Is it will or

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We’re all sailing a sea of uncharted waters. We are all dealing with things we never dreamed we would ever face. And so, leaders at all levels are facing a crisis no one’s talking about – a crisis of leadership confidence. Leaders want to lead, know they must lead, and yet the situation leaves them

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Leaders sometimes have to give feedback that is hard for people to hear. You are reading this now because you know that is true. Taylor Swift asked in her song, “Why you gotta be so mean?” And truth be told, you may hesitate to give feedback because you don’t want to be seen as mean,

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I’ve worked with well-meaning, highly-principled leaders and managers for years. When the topic of coaching and developing their employees comes up, I often hear that they know coaching is important, they want to coach more, but they don’t have time because they are too busy “putting out fires.” The pandemic put many leaders in crisis mode,

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Of all the jobs a leader has, coaching their team members is at the top of the list, yet one they feel the least comfortable with. This isn’t surprising, since even under “normal” conditions, it’s part of the job we always feel we could do better. Coaching at a distance can seem even more intimidating.

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When we give feedback, it is with the hope that the person on the receiving end will take action on that feedback. But giving feedback isn’t a one-and-done action. It’s a journey that has many steps along the way. So before we (or should I say ‘they’) get to action, we must realize the emotions

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