What does it mean to act “like a boss” in your opinion? Does it mean managing your employees every move or empowering them to find their own way? Does it mean setting a process you expect everyone follow implicitly or working with your team to find a system that works for everyone? Honestly, no one
Human beings are messy and amazing. We are multi-faceted, complex, ever-changing, and wear many hats in our lives. For years, people have created models and formulas to simplify and categorize people. And for all the value those efforts and models can yield, they fall short of being the magic pill that helps us communicate with,
The squeaky wheel gets the oil or so it goes. And while it seems like everyone is so negative these days, that’s not really the case. Unfortunately, the negative ones are often the loudest and have the biggest consequences as a result – increased stress and decreased productivity just to name a few! In this
“It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, but you can lose it in a minute.” —Will Rogers These days, we’re hearing so much about the integrity of our political and corporate leaders. But what does integrity mean? It means being honest, moral and ethical. It means doing what is right for the common
This is a guest post by Maura Nevel Thomas, an award-winning international speaker and trainer on productivity and work-life balance. As a new team leader, you’re faced with a challenge. Employee productivity is now at least in part, up to you. How will you increase your team’s productivity so you can continue to drive value
Trust is valuable for a team to be successful. And it is hard enough to build when people see each other and work together every day. It is perhaps even more valuable when those people work remotely. More valuable, but even harder to create and maintain. Therefore, building trust is something worth working on. Unfortunately,
One of my favorite leadership anecdotes involves my daughter when she was just learning to drive. Several years ago, my daughter and I had to drive about thirty miles on county roads through rural Indiana. Snow was not falling on the day we made this drive. However, there was plenty of snow in the fields
by Chuck Chapman, Content Strategy Coordinator On the road to success, there are very few “Lewis and Clark” situations any more. Like geography, there aren’t many professional frontiers where you will find yourself treading in uncharted territory. For most if not all of your journey, there are others who have gone before you who can
Employee recognition is an essential element in the effort to reduce employee turnover in any organization. It is pretty obvious that everyone enjoys being thanked for the hard work and contributions they provide to their organization. So why is it that employee recognition seems so scarce in today’s workplace? Don’t get me wrong … I’m
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