I’m guessing you’ve heard something in the news lately about deflated footballs, fines and penalties related to it. While I’m not a New England Patriots fan (I live in Indianapolis after all), this isn’t really about Ideal Gas Laws, balls hidden in bathrooms or the content of text messages. This is about much more than
We get A LOT of questions – in training, during coaching sessions, at industry events, on my blog… Leadership is complex, with a lot of moving pieces, and these complexities lead to questions. That’s why we address some of these frequently asked question in a video here on this blog. These questions, covering coaching, new
If you are a manager, you are also a coach. You just can’t avoid that. You will need to evaluate your employees’ performance, and offer them guidance and support for making necessary improvements. Otherwise, they won’t reach their full potential. Gaining the confidence to coach your employees is a big challenge for first-time supervisors. However,
Giving feedback is challenging enough and it’s even more complicated when it’s to a former peer. Here are 3 keys to help make it easier for you. Giving feedback to friends is easier when expectations are clearer up front. @KevinEikenberry You can learn more about the Bud to Boss workshops here. Until next time …
No, no, no, no, no. Check this video out for tips & four basic approaches for handling the negativity in your workplace. https://youtu.be/i8tHU1jzn5g?rel=0&showinfo=0 Agree with negativity and watch it grow. @KevinEikenberry You can learn more about the Remarkable Leadership workshops here. You can learn more about the Bud to Boss workshops here. Until next time
Normally here each week I share one resource for your consideration. Sometimes it is something we have produced, sometimes not. Sometimes it is something free, sometimes not. Always they are things I recommend to you whole-heartedly, and with you in mind. Today, I want to briefly recommend two resources and I’m covering the gamut of
Here are four easy tips for helping your remote workers be even more successful! https://youtu.be/0m2VxTbyrxs?rel=0&showinfo=0 When working remotely clear goals and a plan for achieving them are even more important. Remember that as a leader. @KevinEikenberry You can learn more about the Remote Leadership Institute and Certificate Series here. Until next time … You are
By Michael Lee Stallard As a first time manager, you likely feel tremendous pressure to be a “great leader.” But if asked you to define what makes a leader great, how would you respond? Most managers are aware of the basic principles of good leadership, but few are able to organize the vague ideals they
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