I’ve certainly opened with a big question, and it is a question I want you to think about as you read, and hopefully far into the future. Specifically, I want you to think about the beliefs and expectations you hold about those you lead. But before I get back to you personally, let me give

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THIS is the best and most important place to start in order to get more accountability from others… Want others to be more accountable? Look in the mirror and see if you are modeling the behavior you want from them. @KevinEikenberry (Tweet It) You can learn more about the Remarkable Leadership Learning System here. Until

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Apparently today is Show and Tell Day at Work. Who knew? When I read this fact, it got me thinking . . . I went back to Mrs. Fredrick’s kindergarten classroom on a warm spring day. I was called to the front. It was my turn to share! No, I don’t remember exactly what I

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By Dianna Booher Everyone would like to know why their communications breakdown and how to avoid that problem in the future. Enter communication expert, author, consultant and speaker, Dianna Booher, to help us overcome communication breakdowns with this great new book. I’ve read a number of Dianna’s books (OK, not all 46, but several) and

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Resistance. When I ask groups to tell me what first comes to their minds when they think about change, resistance is always on that list. And their thoughts about it aren’t positive – in fact, I used the word “fear” in the title purposefully. Resistance is typically seen as a negative occurrence and as something

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On December 15, 1966 Walt Disney died. His legacy and vision have lived on and expanded in amazing ways in the 48 years since his death. Walt has long been one of my business heroes – after all, look at what he created, and all done with the fabulous outcome of helping people smile, laugh

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Not everyone values history or the past in the same way. In the quotation books on my book shelves, for every quote that echoes “history is bunk” (from Henry Ford), I can find a “those who cannot learn from history are bound to repeat it” (from George Santayana). I don’t know if you liked U.S. or

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There are hundreds of companies large and small that offer services to help leaders grow and get greater results, ours included. This means there is a large market of organizations that look for, secure and use these services to equip their leaders to become more effective. There are many more organizations that create and provide

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“Thank you” Saying “thank you” is something most of us learn at a young age. It’s something we teach to our children too. We all know that gratitude is important, which is why in many parts of the world, we have a day called Thanksgiving to remind us to be thankful. It is unfortunate in

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What if people don’t want to be coached? Check out this episode of Remarkable TV for tips and ideas to coach the “uncoachable”… The effective coach must first help create a desire to be coached. @KevinEikenberry (Tweet It) You can learn more about the Leading at the Remarkable Coaching workshops here. If you have a

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