If you aren’t spooked enough this Halloween, the following facts about workplace conflict will make your hair stand on end. Strained relationships between employees account for 60% to 70% of unproductive time and difficult situations, according to workplace experts. You are spending anywhere from 25% to 40% of your time managing conflict, The Washington Business

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If you’re preparing to hire a new employee, take some time to craft the perfect job posting. Work with your HR department to write a job description that will attract the best candidates—those who will fit in with your team and who are prepared for the position’s requirements. Here’s how two companies got it right:

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Halloween is nearly here, and it’s got me thinking about the most nightmarish problems a supervisor might face.  Prepare to be spooked by the following three (completely true!) Halloween-worthy stories from real-life managers: The Werewolf. A manager at a tutoring company supervised a woman who had strong body odor and very hairy armpits, which were

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This is guest post by Jaimy Ford, business writer and editor. With bad weather right around the corner here on the east coast coupled with the still high cost of gas, I am reminded about the best perk of working from home: I don’t have to drive to work. Before we moved and my husband

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This is a guest post by business writer and editor Catherine Welborn. The other day I was in a toy store when I heard a manager say something that left me absolutely dumbfounded. She was at the back of the store when one of her employees approached her, complaining about a “problem” customer. In a

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This is guest post by Amy Beth Miller, freelance writer and editor. A young salesman hung a movie poster in his work area. It wasn’t obscene or offensive, but it was more appropriate for a college dorm room than an office selling expensive products. The manager could have used the incident to talk with the

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This is a guest post by Amy Beth Miller, business writer and editor.  As a new manager, knowing there are one or two outstanding team members you can rely on in a pinch is a great comfort. The problem comes when you go to that go-to person too often. I knew I had reached that

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This is a guest post by Georgina Stamp of Marble Hill Partners. So you’ve just reached that role you’ve been aiming for: You’re a manager, a person of authority with big plans for the company and all those that work in it, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There are a number of traps

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If the topic of office romance stresses you more than your own relationships—should you even acknowledge the relationships? What if the couple’s cutesy nicknames and public displays of affection make everyone else uncomfortable? And how do you deal with the inevitable breakups? You’ll appreciate the advice from this interview with Halley Bock, president and CEO

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Sadly cold a flu season is right around the corner. Prepare your team by sharing with employees the following advice from guest writer Dr. Farzanna Haffizulla. It’s a crisp Monday morning; your agenda is interwoven with meetings, projects and the usual “catch-up,” from the week past. You awake with shaking chills and muscle pains that

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