OPPORTUNITYISNOWHERE What do you see in the title above? Do you see “opportunity is nowhere”? Or do you see “opportunity is now here”? The letters are the same so both of them are “there”– and it depends on what you see as to what actions you might take next. You have the same situation as

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Recently I wrote about why as leaders and coaches we mess up when we focus all (or far too much) of our coaching time on lower performers. In that piece, I made the argument for spending at least 50% of your energy, focus and time on coaching and further developing your top or best performers.

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If you have read very much of my writing, you’ve read that I believe that too much emphasis can be placed on goal setting. This isn’t because setting goals isn’t important, but because too many people exert effort to set goals, then relax as if the job is done. This is like going to the starting

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I have the good fortune of working with lots of leaders, and often have the chance to talk with, teach or consult with them on a variety of issues including their role as a coach. The vast majority of those I work with truly want to be more effective and make a difference for their

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By W. Brad Johnson and Charles R. Ridley Take two psychology professors intensely interested in a topic and you wouldn’t be surprised that they might collaborate on a book. Make that interest on the topic of mentoring and you might be interested in that book, but worried it would be too academic. Then you find

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When it comes to coaching others, we often make the same mistake that I made with a “backwards” shower faucet. Intrigued? Check out this episode of Remarkable TV for my leadership lessons from the shower. 😉 Successful coaching starts with understanding and empathy of the other person, not with our agenda or normal approach. @KevinEikenberry

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I thought today I would give a short answer to a question I get asked regularly. It gets asked in a variety of forms, but it all comes down to something like this . . . I have a person on my team that won’t budge. They don’t seem to care – about anything –

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Remote teams are changing how we lead. Here are 3 competencies to help you adapt your leadership style to lead your remote team more effectively. Leading remotely makes the complex role of leading even more complex. It takes new skills to get better results. @KevinEikenberry (Tweet It) For more resources on leading remotely and to

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Everyone is looking for the magic bullet to fix accountability in their team and in their organization. But there is usually one problem: they are missing this important piece in the equation. How can people be accountable for something when the expectations aren’t clear? @KevinEikenberry (Tweet It) To learn more about our Accountability Conversations Remarkable

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Trust. Your ability to lead is severely hampered without it, and the more of it you have, the easier leadership becomes. Plus, with greater trust comes greater speed of implementation, clearer communication and much more. It is certainly something that leaders must spend time creating and working intently to maintain. There are many things that

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