Last week, I asked you to walk in the shoes of your Customers for a minute – and closed by asking you four questions with easy answers . . . but without helping you get to those answers. This week, I will close the loop by helping you lead in a way that creates closer,
There are many leadership lessons we can learn from the day’s headlines and today, I’m focusing on an underutilized coaching skill as taught by Gregg Popovich. Check out today’s episode to learn more. The best coaches sometimes let people figure it out for themselves first. @KevinEikenberry (Tweet It!) Check out our Remarkable Coaching workshop here.
Building relationships starts with this very important and very simple building block. Check out today’s episode to learn more. If you want to build relationships, use the sweetest word in peoples’ world. Their name. @KevinEikenberry Check out our Communicating for Results workshop here. You are Remarkable! p.s. Sign-up here to receive my Leadership Tip
We, as leaders, make a big mistake sometimes, and when we fall prey to this mistake, it spreads throughout our organization. I’m going to tell you what this mistake is, why it happens, and how to fix it, in less than 400 words. Are you ready? The Mistake We frame our customer relationships as solely
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