Today’s quotation is from one of the world’s most quoted people.  The way in which this particular quotation is used is typically to look at the world’s big problems, and as such it is a powerful thought and reminder.  I want you to read it, reflect on it, and do what I suggest below through

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Leaders often lament to me about how busy they are.  And one of the things that many say doesn’t get done is taking the time to build relationships with their team members. I know you are busy. I know you have a lot on your plate.  But finding connections and building relationships with your team

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Everyone I’ve ever discussed the concept of trust with has a wide range of emotions related to it. While everyone wants more trust in their relationships, and believes that in an environment of higher trust they will be more productive, less stressed, and generally enjoy their life and work more, we are often stymied, wondering

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Normally this weekly feature has an attributed quotation.  Today will be the same, but I won’t tell you who created it, until the bottom.   Call it a bit of a quiz.  Before you scroll to the bottom and find out, why not guess? “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority;

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Businesses take inventories regularly to re-calibrate, confirm, and set themselves up for a successful future. Based on your business model and procedures, the time(s) when you take these measurements may change.  At certain times of the year (like the impending changing of the seasons), people often reflect and “take stock” (a clear reference to inventory) of

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Have you ever heard the old quotation, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”?  It has a Zen-like quality to it, and inside those few words is the answer to the question posed in the title. The best time to coach is when the student is ready.  At that moment of readiness, we are

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Elementary School, Valentine’s Day. Everyone arrives with a bag filled with those small little Valentine’s Cards, signed, sealed with names on the outside of the envelope.  Secretly, or not so secretly, this is a day many have long been awaiting. Will I get a card from Bobby Or Andrew? (or Betty or Ashleigh?)?  And if

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Networking. For some, that word brings images of hotel meeting rooms, coffee (or a cash bar), and a room of people trying to give you their business card.  Others think networking is for sales people and those looking for a job.  If your first thought was either of those things, keep reading . . .

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I’m drawn to today’s quotation, because I believe it is profoundly true.  There might be a more elegant way to say it, but hey, I’m sure little I say in English would be elegant once translated into French.  Read the quotation a couple of times; let it sink in a bit, then read on here . .

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