Recently, while facilitating a leadership discussion with a group of managers and owners at a conference for the Lumbermens Merchandising Corporation, the topic of engaging the front line employees came up. In effect, the question was asked, ” How do I get a truck driver to engage with the business and think about their work

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During last night’s Republican National Convention, New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, gave the keynote address.  During his speech, he made a point worthy of our consideration as leaders. Relatively early in the speech, Governor Christie said: The greatest lesson Mom ever taught me, though, was this one: she told me there would be times in your life

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Decisions are all around us. Right now you are making a decision whether to keep reading this or not, but the decisions we need to make as leaders go far beyond that, don’t they? It wouldn’t be hard to argue that being decisive, and doing it in an effective way, is one of the most

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If you are a parent, you are familiar with this thoughts and feelings . . . Who is my child hanging out with?  Do I know the parents of those kids? What kinds of influences are they subject to? These are natural considerations of a loving parent.  After all, we know that children are influenced

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Yesterday, while traveling, I received this email from my 20 year old son Parker . . . Just something funny I wanted to say I am currently working on printing cds with your face on them.  After the first one I noticed what I believed to be a small blue smudge on your shirt and

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Meetings are meant to be a time for people to exchange ideas and insights. While there are many components to effective meetings, one factor most people would put on that list is engaged participants. I mean, a good meeting can’t be quiet, can it? Maybe, at least at times. Let’s start with my main premise

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A key concept in economics is scarcity.  In economic terms, it is when people have unlimited wants but resources are limited.  If you look up scarcity in the dictionary, you will find a similar idea: 1.  insufficiency or shortness of supply; dearth. 2.  rarity; infrequency. (Source: In practice, when things are scarce, several things

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By John Chen Technology can make our lives easier and more productive – especially when teams are comprised of people working remotely.  All of the technology in the world won’t make teams effective or the individuals on them as productive as possible. In this new book, the author puts the need for team building together

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By Jacob Morgan Organizations need to collaborate to be successful.  This has always been true.  What has changed is the complexity of organizations, the size of organizations, the increasing desire for speed, and the dispersion of team member both from a traditional office and around the globe. Technology over the last several years has provided

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Forgiveness. We all want it. And sometimes it is hard to grant to others. While there are psychological and spiritual reasons why forgiveness is important, that isn’t the focus here. Make no mistake; I am going to try to convince you why forgiveness is important for you and your business though. While I believe the

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