Self-esteem gets talked about a lot in schools.  We wonder and concern ourselves with it in our children.  Yet it isn’t like a drivers license – you don’t automatically qualify for it at a certain age.  And in my experience and observation, this is a bigger limiting factor to our (and others’) success than most

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Forget more money and better benefits. We think that is what people need, to which most managers and leaders say – “I can’t give them more” or “That’s out of my hands.”   The good news is those aren’t the things that will move the needle. A recent (February and March of 2012) Career Builder survey of

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Everyone wants happiness.  Some have it, some see it as elusive – they are always chasing it. Perhaps part of the reason is that they don’t have a clear picture of what it is. Today’s quotation gives a definition and an example. . . perhaps from an unexpected source. Enjoy. “Will and I could hardly

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This is a book that defies categorization. Is it a book of tweets? Sort of – there are 365 short snippets of encouragement, admonishment, support and idea generation. Is it a devotional? Kinda – you could read one snippet each day as a part of your reflection and learning. It is a picture book? Yes

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A few years ago, I arrived in the Harrisburg airport late at night after a cross country flight.  I retrieved my bag and got the keys to my rental car for the one hour drive ahead of me.  The very pleasant person at the counter gave me better directions than I previously had, and wished

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I’m not an expert on psychological disorders.  And while I know that many people who appear to be “normal” may have mental challenges, I also know that most everyone I deal with in my work and life is mentally stable, rational, and intellectually pretty healthy. . . .  . . unless you consider the definition

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During an unlikely 1973 comeback from last place to first place in the final month of the season, a New York Mets pitcher was credited with the phrase that became the rallying cry of the team and city – “ya gotta believe!”  That phrase was widely credited with helping the team go 20-8 to finish

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It is one of those milestone birthdays. 50 years. When my Dad turned fifty he said “I can’t decide if I am going to start counting backwards next year, or just adjust my birthdays to the Celsius scale.”  I was 30 when he said it, and it made me laugh. It still makes me laugh.

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I put this slide on the screen yesterday, while giving a talk on hiring strategies for Choice Hotels International Convention. . . If you want to hire rock stars, you can’t wait until you have an opening to start thinking about hiring.   Here’s an exercise to do today to help you implement this idea.

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  It’s Mother’s Day in the United States – a day to set aside to thank, honor and remember our mothers.  As a leader, I hope you are doing those things for the mothers in your life, and after reading this post, I hope you do a little bit more. This post isn’t meant to

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