Every leader, supervisor, coach, team member and parent has been told of the value of giving positive feedback. We’ve heard reasons why. We’ve heard we don’t do it enough. We’ve learned all of the basics about giving positive feedback successfully: make it timely, make it specific, and when giving positive feedback consider sharing it publicly.

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I wrote the piece that follows several years ago, and the events happened years before that.  I share it on this blog today (with minor edits), because today, Lori and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.  Of all the blessings in my life, none match what she has brought and brings to my life every

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This could be a very short article, because the biggest barrier to collaborative problem solving is found by looking at the word problem backwards: melborp. Do you see it? The biggest barrier is me. Or you. Or whoever makes the problem about them, their agenda or their solution. Which means that we, too often, approach

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I recently learned of a version of soccer known as silent soccer. What is that you ask? It is defined as:  A form of soccer in which spectators are not allowed to yell, cheer, or coach from the sidelines. Even if you have never been to a soccer game you can imagine how odd this

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Today’s Resource Recommendation is It’s Not Just Who You Know by Tommy Spaulding. I was introduced to the author, Tommy Spaulding, a few weeks ago when he was guest co-hosting a radio show when I was a guest. (Mondays at 3 in Denver Colorado). I quickly liked him as I listened in to the segment

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When my book Remarkable Leadership was published people asked me about the cover. Why acorns they asked? (actually by then 8 year old daughter Kelsey was the first to ask). My answer was two fold. Leaders are in the growth business, as are acorns.  After all, even the tallest, strongest and oldest oak trees on the planet started

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While you might not think of Cher as a deep philosophical thinker, I’ll make two comments before I share her brilliant insight. – we can learn from anyone – and the mark of a lifelong learner is having that belief. – we can definitely learn from people who have achieved significant things, even if their achievements

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Organizational culture gets talked about a lot by people discussing success in organizations. It is rightly considered an important determining factor in measurements including retention, job satisfaction, trust levels, productivity and much more. Yet there are some common misconceptions about where culture comes from and who is responsible for it. Because of these misconceptions too

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Leaders lead others, usually in groups or teams. So, any conversation about effective leadership can’t go too far without discussing how leaders help their teams. People have spent their lives studying the dynamics of teams. These studies include team interactions, how teams form and develop, and the skills needed for team members to be successful. So,

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