The title of this article is pretty declarative, don’t you think? Actually it isn’t completely true. You don’t have to have a positive attitude to have a leadership role, and you don’t even have to have it to lead. But you definitely must have a positive attitude if you want to lead successfully for an

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I’m not a travel agent, and I don’t work for an airline or cruise ship company. This article isn’t about where you should vacation, what places you should visit or what foods you should eat.  For the important point I hope to make in the next few hundred words, those parts of our vacation matter

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Several weeks ago, I wrote a post with seven keys to leading virtual teams. In the time since I published that post, I have received even more questions about the challenges of leading and managing remote or virtual teams.         What was once the territory of geographically dispersed sales teams is now a reality for people

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I’m an unabashed fan of reading – both as a method for learning and as a pleasurable activity. While I read more than most professionals I know, this post is as much for me as for you – this is something I strive to get better at myself. With these two admissions out of the

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Habits are a powerful part of our life. Without habits, we likely couldn’t cope with the complexity of our lives, yet, not all of our habits serve us. Today’s Powerquote gives us some food for thought. “A bad habit is something you do without thinking – which is why most of us have so many

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Yes, I wrote a book called Remarkable Leadership and yes, Remarkable is a part of our branding.   But the product I am excited to tell you about wasn’t created because I am building a brand.  It was created because of what we believe. If you go to any page on our website, you will find

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Until recently, when people thought of the word team, they thought of a group of people working together in close proximity. This applied to any sort of team – be it sports or work. Of course, the world looks different now. While sports teams still need to compete on the same field or floor, working

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This week’s Resource Recommendation is Full Steam Ahead!  Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Work and Your Life by Ken Blanchard and Jesse Lyn Stoner. Here’s a promising recipe for a book you’ll like. Take a bestselling author (Blanchard) and pair him with a talented, smart and world-wise co-author (Stoner). Make the book a

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