With U.S. soccer fresh on our minds from the Confederations Cup I wanted to bring to light the leadership situation that major leader soccer team L.A. Galaxy is currently dealing with, and has been dealing with for some time.  Some preliminary information: 2005: Landon Donovan arrives (serves as captain) 2007: David Beckham arrives (takes over

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This is the third of a series of guest posts from the ten bloggers nominated for Best Leadership Blog of 2009 (place your vote here) John Bishop is a person who never fails to bring forth discussions and insights that are not only thought-provoking, but informational and inspirational also. An evidence to this is his

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In the Money Section of USA Today on Monday May 19th, an interview with 3M CEO George Buckley ran (here is the online copy). According to a recent survey by The Hay Group and Chief Executive magazine, 3M ranked first in organizational leadership development. Given that standing, the thoughts of the CEO would be valuable.  While

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Why is it that some leaders have no problem gaining compliance from those he or she is trying to lead and some leaders have such difficulties? What leadership skills are necessary for successfully leading a team? The answer to these questions will bring a plethora of thoughts and ideas to your head as to what

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In today’s Powerquotes Plus our members received this quotation from the author Vash Young: “Any experience can be transformed into something of value.” Most of us would agree with this thought, and yet, when the experience has been challenging, hard, difficult or painful, it is harder to believe or remember. That is where we as

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Around the world today there will be plenty of people sitting in some sort of supervisor training workshop. And while those sessions will be well designed and led by skilled and well meaning trainers and facilitators, the vast majority of these sessions will leave out skills that will be critical to both the supervisor’s and

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I’ve been writing my Powerquotes Plus newsletter for nine years (and it’s predecessor Powerquotes for 13 years).  In every issue there is a quotation, questions to ponder, and action steps. Because of this, I have written 1000’s of questions over the years, hopefully many of them very good. But a question I wrote the other day, while

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Conflict is a topic that often comes up with I talk with leaders.  In three separate cases lately I have heard of organizations including conflict resolution in supervisor training programs. A perennially popular topic for training at all levels of leadership development training, conflict is as often misunderstood and mishandled as it is discussed.  Consider this view

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On 60 Minutes last Sunday, President Obama visited with Steve Kroft for two segments (part 1, part 2).  Throughout he talked about the start of his Presidency, the challenges he is facing and much more.  One small comment about one of his habits is an important lesson for all of us as leaders. He said

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In my last three posts, I have talked about the differences between knowledge and skills coaching (Just scroll down to read them). Consider this post a summary of them all. To answer the title of this post – “Is all coaching the same?”  The answer is no. There is a difference between skills and knowledge.

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