“What do you expect?” People say that all the time in an earnest or quizzical way, or sometimes with outright exasperation. However, more often than not, people simply think it without ever taking the extra step to clarify what is expected of them. That leads to mistakes, conflict, shoddy work and productivity losses, because your employees

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Accountability. We throw the word around quite a bit in leadership circles. We use phrases like ‘holding people accountable.” To many managers, it’s the stick we use when the carrot doesn’t work. In the words of that great philosopher Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride, “You keep using that word. I do not think it

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Accountability is one of those words that everyone has thoughts and feelings about. I’ve been known to call it the longest 4 letter word in the dictionary. And when I am asked to define or describe it in my workshops and coaching sessions, I can do so with one word. Find out my simple definition

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I’ve often said that accountability is the longest four-letter word in business. Not because I think it is a dirty word – quite the opposite – but that is how many see it. The problem isn’t the word or the spelling, but the understanding of what accountability means and how valuable it is to all

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Recently, I was reminded of the Smith System – a safe driving methodology designed to reduce the chance of major accidents. I was taught this system before I received my company car, and I still remember the five key ideas. In reviewing that list – from memory – 35+ years later, I realized those same

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One of the things many leaders feel we don’t do as well as we could is coach our people. Whether our team is co-located or scattered to the winds, it’s hard to find the time to coach effectively. When we do, it’s almost always focused on improving weak performance. That means we spend most of

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As a driver, you know you have blindspots. There are things you simply can’t see as you drive. But knowing these exist, while important, isn’t the same as being warned when a problem is imminent. The advent of systems on cars to remind us, warn us, and keep us from ignoring our blindspots are amazing

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In the last year, for a variety of reasons, there has been an explosion of virtual learning events. Only one (that I know of) can boast that this year they will host their 11th annual online coaching conference. It is going to be fantastic, free, and I’m excited to be a part of it. The

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There is plenty for all of us to learn about coaching. Our coaching success comes from mindsets that matter, skills we can practice, and habits we can form. I have been gradually building a coaching alphabet. Today, I’m adding the letters M, N, and O to my coaching alphabet tools. Here are links to the

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Do you manage change? Or do you lead change? And maybe even more important: do you know the difference between the two? There is a very important distinction between these two words and as leaders, we must know the difference in order to be successful in our change efforts. Check out the video to learn

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