Even before a pandemic added to our anxieties on every possible level, there was already a serious problem with anxiety at work. While I’m not glad the problem has become more pervasive, I am very glad it is now more commonly discussed. And doubly glad there are great resources to help us understand and overcome

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When we talk about burnout from a leadership perspective, it’s often in terms of how to recognize and treat it, both of which are highly important. However, what we want to focus on today takes a more proactive approach to prevent burnout. Especially in times of stress, whether that stress is associated with a work

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Humans have a love-hate relationship with technology. We curse the need to be tethered to email and Slack for work while not being able to avoid our personal screens for more than a few minutes at a time. Everyone complains about the tools they have at their disposal, but shudder at the thought of learning

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People trust leaders (in general and their own) or not. People trust their co-workers, or not. And we all know that when the trust level is higher, good things happen for everyone. Given all that, when you learn of a book titled The Power of Trust, you wonder if there is anything new, or is

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“What do you expect?” People say that all the time in an earnest or quizzical way, or sometimes with outright exasperation. However, more often than not, people simply think it without ever taking the extra step to clarify what is expected of them. That leads to mistakes, conflict, shoddy work and productivity losses, because your employees

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When trying to determine the future, you can read Tarot cards, look in a crystal ball, or follow the money being invested by people who can afford to make big bets. One of the biggest wagers recently (although it’s a pretty safe one) is that Salesforce is going to pay $27.7 Billion dollars to purchase

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As humans, we begin learning about the role physical body language plays in communication almost immediately. We learn the subtleties and nuances behind posture, facial expression, and vocal inflection – the things that enhance (or sometimes say more than) the words themselves. But as digital communications increased, more and more of these interpretation tools were

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Communication, conflict resolution and leadership, at times, resemble working as a lifeguard. In all these situations, you can, like a lifeguard, be in the position of approaching someone else when they are under distress because their needs are not being met. Picture a drowning man. He is flailing in the water. He is grasping at

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The world is a complex place, with plenty of chances for confusion in thought, communication, and decision-making. As leaders, we have a responsibility for clear thinking, clear communication, and effective decision-making. Confusion is the enemy of each of these things, and there is one common problem that can impede us in all of those pursuits

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The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others. – Sharon Anthony Bower No matter how great a manager you are, bad things will happen at work. Not every day, but occasionally. It’s how you handle those incidents—the ones that fill

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