As you take on a new management role, you want to make sure that you’re communicating effectively with your team members. But how are you going to get them to open up to you? Many employees have trouble being forthcoming with any boss, let alone a brand new one. Try out these encouraging phrases to get

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by Chuck Chapman, Content Strategy Coordinator Have you ever had a stressful day at the office and thought about how much calmer and happier you would be if you worked from home? You’re probably not alone in that thought, but according to a recent Baylor University study, the “chill” remote worker may just be a

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“Ohh… really wasn’t a big deal….” Have you ever downplayed a compliment? Tried to pass it off or re-direct the conversation when you’ve been given one? Today I am pointing out some very valuable leadership lessons from a compliment (and the response to this compliment) that I recently overheard. I’ll also give you a very

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Communication is hard. I know, it’s likely not a surprise to you. And it’s certainly no surprise to us – communication is consistently one of the biggest challenges that we hear about from leaders. And in this episode, I am going to help you (and your team) be a better communicator by raising the communication

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What makes a successful long-distance team member? The answer might surprise you. As part of our ongoing effort to survey long-distance leaders and the people who work for them, we’ve been asking a lot of questions. Whether it’s the managers or the individual workers, one word popped up again and again: Proactivity. has this

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In much of my work, I see a tendency that many people have (including me) to play the victim during interpersonal conflict. I encourage my clients, and I strive myself, to overcome this tendency to blame every conflict on the other party. I call this tendency to blame others a victim mentality. When I am blaming

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This is the fourth and final installment of a series designed to make online presenting less intimidating and more effective. As online presenters, we are often distracted by the nagging fear that our audience is tuning out or just not getting what we are trying to share with them. I hate to tell you, but

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This is a guest post by David Deacon, author and HR expert.  In your new leadership role, are you responsible for leading remote employees? Most leaders have at least one partial or full-time remote employee or freelancer who reports to them. It’s not easy. With employees working remotely or on flex schedules, it can be

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This is the third in a series of simple presentation tips that will make your web meetings, webinars and presentations more effective. Your webmeeting platform has a lot of cool features. Unfortunately, that doesn’t matter much because you’re likely not using them. As a rule, 80% of people use 20% of the features of online

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While motivating and inspiring employees (and keeping them that way) requires a good bit of strategy, a good place to start is simply to shift your language to be more positive. When people are constantly bombarded by negative messages, they can’t help but feel negative too. It wears on them and can even convince them

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