This is a guest post from Dora Wang of TINYpulse. The majority of remote workers, unsurprisingly, do not receive their feedback in person. Instead, they receive it from communication technologies ranging from texting to Skype.   The vast majority of respondents—92%—are happy with the way their supervisor gives them feedback on their performance.What these responses

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You can put off having difficult conversations with employees about negative behavior and poor performance, but you can’t avoid those discussions forever. By delaying the inevitable, you risk the chance of escalating your dread into chronic anxiety. Perhaps you’re concerned about saying the wrong things and hurting someone’s feelings. You may be worrying yourself sick

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By Wayne Turmel, co-founder of The Remote Leadership Institute. How much time does the average employee spend on email each day? You’d think that’s a simple question, demanding a simple answer. But it’s not. When I went to the magic Google Machine and asked that question, the top five answers not only differed, but answered

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By Wayne Turmel The workplace today communicates electronically, at the speed of light, and largely in writing. This wasn’t always the case, but there’s no sense moaning about that fact. In fact, it’s become so common to use tools like email, text, and Instant Messaging that we’re kind of numb to the effect of our

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As a leader, at some point, you are going to have to tell employees or coworkers something they don’t want to hear. Sharing bad news is hard on you, but it’s much harder on the people who have to hear it. So stifle your discomfort and follow this advice from the good folks at

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Jim Kerr, one of today’s foremost thinkers on organizational design and culture transformation, joins Kevin to talk about culture creation in your organization and how leaders at all levels can use stories to engage and create buy-in. He also shares some insights from his latest book, It’s Good to Be King. Jim focuses on the

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By Jaimy Ford, business writer and editor. Are you a super fast typist? If not, you may not be cut out for this whole virtual leadership gig, says a new study out of the University of Iowa and published in the Leadership Quarterly. To conduct the study, the research team divided 344 participants into four-member teams. Some

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By Kevin Eikenberry Everybody talks about the importance of building rapport with clients, employees, coworkers and supervisors. The idea is that once you establish a rapport, you can go on to build stronger relationships, teamwork, collaboration and communication. All of which are critical in the workplace. But when you can’t rely on chit chat in

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By Wayne Turmel The good news about today’s 24/7 workplace is that it gives us the freedom to get work done nearly anywhere at any time. The bad news is that can quickly become everywhere, all the time. How can we be sure that we’re being responsive (and responsible) without becoming a slave to communication?

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If you’re a leader, best-selling author Jon Gordon wants you to take this message to heart: Spreading negative energy solves nothing. In fact, it causes people to shut down. Morale suffers, employees disengage, productivity takes a hit, and profits fall. “It’s easy to get upset and derailed by anger when things go wrong, but then

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