Ask most leaders about empowerment and they will either say – I wish my people were more empowered, or they will glow as they discuss the level of empowerment amongst their team members. Why are some happy and some, not-so-much? It has much to do with the habits of the leaders themselves. If we want

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Meetings happen more often than ever and cause as much consternation and complaining as ever, if not more. Yet despite all that hand-wringing and general disdain, we may be missing the biggest problem with them. Have you thought about the connection between meetings and team culture? As I’ve said many times (and we wrote about in

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This may seem like a strange question: Do you love your organization? Strange perhaps because you never thought about it. Or perhaps strange because you aren’t sure you would use the world love in that way. But this question can have a lot to do with your ultimate success – as a leader, as an

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We are all served by being able to ask powerful questions. They help us build relationships, gain perspectives, learn things, solve problems, and coach others, among other things. Before we can ask great questions though, we must have great questions to ask! Here is a short list of short questions from my question collection. Use

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Ask any group of people to make a list of the reasons why meetings are painful or ineffective. Undoubtedly, “They start late” will always make the list. I know this because I have asked groups this question many times. So, starting on time is one of the biggest things we could do to make meetings

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Get people talking about challenges in their organizations and within minutes, the word “policy” will come up. We all have stories of a policy that seemed counter-intuitive or blocked us from doing what seemed to be the best course of action. And we have all been on the receiving end of “That’s against the policy”

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By far the most common concern of senior leaders is developing a corporate culture that creates great work and engages both customers and employees. While those are critical characteristics, the secret to any successful culture is the answer to the question: how will work get done. In our book, The Long Distance Team, Designing Your

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Excellence is a quality that we all desire—being outstanding or extremely good. Who wouldn’t want that in at least some aspects of their lives? You might argue that it’s a high bar to strive for in everything we do, but deep down, each of us seeks excellence in some form or another. After all, you

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ChatGPT is a name almost no one had heard of 12 months ago but is now on most people’s lips. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around (and improving) for many years. Recently, tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT have become the face of AI for many of us, capturing the imagination of the public and our politicians.

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