Today, I want to talk about a skill that can truly be your superpower—asking questions.  To develop the art of asking questions effectively, I’d like to introduce you to the “chair model.” Imagine yourself sitting down and engaging in conversation, rather than standing up and simply talking. This model will help us explore the key elements

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Our beliefs are among the most powerful things in our lives. Many help us get through our day. Some support our moods and productivity. Others, what we’ll call our limiting beliefs, aren’t so wonderful. It is those limiting beliefs I want to help you think about now. Before we get to the list though, I want

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Today, I want to talk about a crucial aspect of project management that often goes overlooked—the learning look back. In this blog post, we’ll explore why the learning look back is essential, how it benefits both individuals and teams, and how it can propel your future projects to new heights. The Project Isn’t Over: You’ve completed

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You will become a better communicator and leader when you begin asking better questions. And building this skill will serve you in any area of your life. That makes asking better questions a meta-skill – something that helps in many ways and in most parts of our life. In studying those (leaders and otherwise) who

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Change is a constant in our lives, whether we like it or not. Some changes are small and easy to adapt to, while others can be much more significant and challenging. But regardless of the type of change we’re facing, there is always an emotional component to it. I’ve asked thousands of people about their thoughts

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As a leader, one of the most challenging situations you can face is being asked a question for which you don’t have the answer. It’s natural to feel pressure to know everything and be the expert in your field. However, the truth is, none of us can know everything, and it’s okay not to have

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Do you know what your team wants from you as a leader? I know that most leaders want to deliver what their teams want. Yet, having worked with thousands of people at all levels, I know people aren’t always getting it. And to make it worse, our training and beliefs about leading can get in

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On April 30, 1993 something happened that changed your life forever. The World Wide Web burst into existence.  While the Internet technically existed, it wasn’t available to the average human being until all the rules we take for granted took place. It changed the way we work forever. Since that time coincides almost precisely with

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I’ve been working with, observing, and coaching leaders for many years. I‘ve thought about it, and if I could only dispense one piece of advice to every leader I encountered from now on, based on my experience and observation, it might be this: You’re talking too much. While this affliction doesn’t include every leader, it includes most,

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