From the front cover flap: “On the surface, decisions about driving, eating, investing, and voting look very different. Yet the traits model shows that these decisions share many common elements, so that a given person will approach each of them in the same way. This means that the choices about products and people and politics
On the teleseminar for our Remarkable Leadership Learning System Members today (you can get two months months membership free) I talked about how as leaders we must communicate change effectively. During the call we were talking about the role of the comfort zone in our willingness to change. During that conversation I stated what I
Personal development. Professional development. Leadership development. Regardless of which words you use, chances are as the New Year begins, you are thinking about some sort of development; some sort of approach to creating change, growth and advancement in your life. As you think about our world today, the good news is that you have lots
New Year’s Day is the day many people – 40-45% of Americans according to the last research I read – set New Year’s Resolutions. While some people do succeed with Resolutions, too many people don’t – which frustrates them and sets up a cynical view of goal setting overall. (Even though, as you will see
A couple of days I wrote a post about project leadership lessons from a jigsaw puzzle. Last night I finished it (aren’t those tractors beautiful?) The lessons from the earlier post are valuable. Here are a couple of other additional thoughts. Energy of the “team” (Kelsey, especially) grew as I got closer to the end.Â
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