John Hunt in his new book, The Art of the Idea and How it Can Change Your Life, says: “Expediency wins so often because the obvious is overlooked. If a new idea is worth anything, it should make everyone a little nervous. It will be tougher to sell. But these are all good signs.” In

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This month, and therefore in today’s teleseminar, for members of The Remarkable Leadership Learning System, we are focusing on how leaders help others focus on their goals. Of course, goal focus is an important step to goal achievement, which is why all of us as leaders should be concerned about this activity! During the call

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In my friend Jon Gordon’s most recent book, The Shark and the Goldfish , the hero of the story learns an important lesson: Don’t Settle. This lesson struck me as I read this book this week.  Don’t settle.  I thought about the parts of my life where I am settling.  Beyond me though, I believe that

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Yesterday, on the Guest conversation Call as a part of the Remarkable Leadership Learning System, my guest Timothy Johnson was asked how to deal with resistance to process improvement efforts in the form of “I don’t have time.” His answer was brief, to the point, and completely correct.  He pointed out that we all have

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Perhaps I should keep this post short.  If we all read and took action on the three word title of this post, we would all be more effective starting today and forever. I was reminded to share this key leadership skill with you today because of the quotation I shared in our Powerquotes Plus newsletter

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Disclaimer – the title of this post contains an inherent flaw.  You see, by using the word, “non-Leader” I am implying that leadership is a role a title or is some how granted to you. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that everyone can be a leader, when they behave like

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In my most recent issue of our email newsletter Powerquotes , I shared this quotation from the legendary management thinker Peter Drucker. People who don’t take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.There is a tremendous two fold leadership lesson here

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Recent research on why leaders use executive coaching is instructive for all of us.  the research, cited here, includes the following reasons: 1.  Sharpening the leadership skills of high potential individuals 2.  Correcting leadership skill gaps 3.  Improving success rate, or reducing risk of failure of new leaders 4.  Correcting employee relations problems 5.  Providing

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