Image from Barack Obama Pictures I have a history with this question – though not a political one.  We did a number of activities related to learning leadership lessons from the Presidential Campaign last summer and fall.  (Here and here and here are links to some information you will find interesting). And now more than 6

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How many times have have you heard someone say, “Don’t reinvent the wheel?” Late last week I read Peter Shankman’s HARO email service that Psychology Today magazine wants you to do exactly that.  Here’s their request and your opportunity: CREATIVITY CHALLENGE: CAN YOU REINVENT THE WHEEL? Show us your reinvention of the wheel, by doing

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I was reading late last night, finishing a book, my daughter Kelsey came in, awakened for unknown reasons.  She asked me to come lay with her to help her go back to sleep. As I laid in her bed, wide awake, the following thought went through my head.   When I am reading I am

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A few years ago Major League Baseball took steps to increase player safety by changing helmet specifications. The NFL has also redesigned helmets in an effort to reduce the number of concussions. Baseball helmets can now withstand a baseball at a speed of 100 mph without breaking or impacting the safety of the player wearing

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In a couple of hours I am giving a talk entitled The Remarkable Leader’s Role in Motivation. Let me give you the crib notes here. We can’t motivate anyone.  Motivation is internal and a choice. So as leaders our role is to recognize that we can’t motivate (at least not for very long). What we

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On my Remarkable Learning blog I recently wrote about the dangerous and powerful question we can use.  (While you will want to read the post, the question is “Why?”) On Twitter I recently tweeted “Remarkable Leaders are great question askers.”  Which got a number or retweets and comments. In part because of these recent events, and

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In our Powerquotes email service today, I sent out this quotation: “In all matters, before beginning, a diligent preparation should be made.” — Cicero While this is true for all of us, it is especially true for leaders. Because while some (relatively small) percentage of the population are naturally inclined to plan, most of us

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On our monthly Remarkable Leadership teleseminar yesterday (titled Remarkable Leaders Create Team Alignment) I was able to answer many of the questions raised by our over 250 registrants.  But I ran out of time before I could answer this one that came in from Colorado: How much/how often is it wise for teams to be

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Guest Post from Jenny Pratt . . . . Time Magazine recently conducted this poll: “Now that Walter Cronkite has passed on, who is America’s most trusted newscaster?” 9410 people responded and 44% said Jon Stewart of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show. NBC New’s Brian Williams was a rather distant 2nd with 29%. Seriously? Jon Stewart is the

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