In this week’s issue of my newsletter Unleashing Your Remarkable Potential, I featured an article called Five Great Benefits to Leadership or Executive Coaching. It delivers on the title and mentioned five major benefits that you will gain from a coach. Some early comments to the article-as-a-blog-post mention that a supervisor can perform these coaching
In leadership training we talk about building better teams, how to lead through change, building better relationships and more. But how often do you talk about how a leader needs to have values? Do you have a leadership development program related to integrity? If you don’t, it’s time to start thinking about developing leadership training
What is my proof? Iran in the last few days. In a country where public protest has long been squelched and socially frowned on, people are protesting. People are talking about their concerns. People are making their voices heard. This is all happening because people decided. . . . . . to ask questions .
Last Friday in this space I urged you to take responsibility for being inspired by looking to things that inspire you as a source. Today I urge you to take that one step further. Make it one of your ongoing leadership activities to collect things that inspire you. Have one song that inspires you? Find
Some weeks in my mostly-regular Friday Inspiration post I give you something speciifc to think about, or links to something inspirational. Today is different. Today I urge you to look inside yourself. Think about something that inspires you. A song. A quotation. An Accomplishment. A poem. A picture. A place. A person. Once you have
Last night I heard a report on NBC Nightly News, quoting the newly announced C.E.O. of GM (and former CEO of AT&T), Edward E Whitacre, Jr. as saying “‘I don’t know anything about cars.’ He went on to say, however, ‘A business is a business,’ in his view, and the principles, as he put it,
We are all defined by our habits, and as leaders this may be even more true. Because others are watching us so closely (more closely than we likely realize), the habits we employ impact not only our performance, but the performance of those we lead. Which is why I share one of my favorite quotations about
When I was visiting Law School’s this past fall during the midst of the economic meltdown, I saw how two Law School Dean’s reacted to their potential new law students firing questions at them. Both of the Dean’s leadership skills were evident from just 5 minutes of Q and A. These short 5 minutes showed
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