Should you focus on Twitter? Well what about Facebook? What in the world is micro blogging? AH! How are leaders supposed to get involved in these new social phenomenons to build customer relationships and their business when it seems so complicated? The key for leaders to crack social media is Strategy. You need to use

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Memorial Day is an important day for all Americans to remember and honor those who fought and died for our freedom.  In cities and towns across the country a variety of traditions will celebrate and honor this fact. As a resident of Indianapolis, home of the Indianapolis 500 I was struck yesterday by the number

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In the Money Section of USA Today on Monday May 19th, an interview with 3M CEO George Buckley ran (here is the online copy). According to a recent survey by The Hay Group and Chief Executive magazine, 3M ranked first in organizational leadership development. Given that standing, the thoughts of the CEO would be valuable.  While

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Indianapolis, is most known around the world for one thing – the Indianapolis 500, held each year in May on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.  As an Indianapolis resident, the month of May is really all about one thing:  s-p-e-e-d. Drivers team engineers and owners are trying to get more of it. Sportscasters and journalists are

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Why is it that some leaders have no problem gaining compliance from those he or she is trying to lead and some leaders have such difficulties? What leadership skills are necessary for successfully leading a team? The answer to these questions will bring a plethora of thoughts and ideas to your head as to what

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I recently wrote an article titled “The Unexpected Perils of Balance“. A few days later a colleague, student and longtime reader emailed me a metaphor for balance.  Let me quote Ann Marie Turner of Austin Texas directly: There was a kid in my third grade class – probably one in yours, too – who liked

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Lazy   Entitled   Arrogant   Selfish   What do these words describe? They are the adjectives used to describe Generation Y or the “Entitlement” Generation.   So how do you lead and train the so called “Entitlement” Generation if they exemplify these adjectives? says: “Most of them definitely do NOT need technical

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Everyone is familiar with this statement, whether you’re the one saying it, or the one hearing it. Why do people say this? What makes people decide that they are completely comfortable with their current standings and don’t want to change no matter what? What is the result of this concept of resistance to change and

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So the stock market dropped again on Wednesday… GREAT! You may laugh, and think who in the world would say this about the DOW dropping 184 points. However, the drop provided me with an opportunity. I have the option to buy prime stocks that I could never afford before. For instance, Procter and Gamble is

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All human beings need inspiration to perform at our best.  And as I’ve starting encouraging you on Fridays, as leaders this is even more important to us. Let’s start with reading. You may be reading to education, edification or entertainment.  All of those are valid reasons to read.  But what about consciously, intentionally reading to

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