New Year’s Resolutions.  There was a lot of talk about them just a few weeks ago.   But now?  A scant 4 weeks into the 2009? Not so much. There is a reason for that, which I address in this video I recorded just before the New Year began. In this video (2:44) you will find answers to

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Ever started a new activity and when you started everything seemed… well … so fast?  It almost doesn’t matter what the activity is, when it is new, it is going too fast for us to feel comfortable with it.  Need some examples?  – a new sport  – driving a car  – juggling  – playing a

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I wrote this article in 2009 before the Super Bowl (which will be obvious as you read it). The lessons apply as much today as ever. ……. Tomorrow is media day at the Super Bowl. You will be able to read about all sorts of things about all sorts of players and coaches. As a football fan,

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You may have heard by now that President Obama has persuaded security folks that he can keep his Blackberry.  It seems that while his phone will be limited to top staff and a small circle of friends, he will be able to keep it. One report I read said the “BarackBerry”, with it’s extra security,

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In just a few hours the waiting and talking will be over and Barrack Obama will become the 44th President of the United States.  One of the key moments of the day, and perhaps the part most widely reported, will be his speech. While many will watch and comment on the merit of the speech

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If you know me, you know I love birthdays. Love, love, love them. My boss, Kevin Eikenberry, knows how much I love birthdays and will be out of the office on the big day (January 19). So, we had this crazy idea to ask our friends (that would be you) to help me celebrate. You can do that by giving us

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Spent some time this week (about 4 hours) building the first of two large process maps. This picture is just a small piece of the process we mapped for the administration of the Remarkable Leadership Learning System. It was a really good meeting (thanks to Andrea and Barb!). We got a lot done in a

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I was recently interviewed by Brian Oates of for Imprint: Business Author Interviews.  In this 15 minute podcast we talked about several important leadership skills including building trust, the important of relationships and we talked about a positive definition of accountability. I wrote this book to be a personal leadership development training tool and

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the principle of persistence lately.  It has been showing up regularly in my journal, it showed up in my re-reading of the classic book Think and Grow Rich yesterday when I read (emphasis from author): THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR PERSISTENCE!  It cannot be supplanted by any other quality!  Remember this, and it will hearten

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As part of her goal to eat healthier this year, my wife Lori has found a site called Sparkpeople. Let me quote part of the article she received in email on Saturday (read the full article here): Researchers from Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research kept tabs on 1,685 overweight and obese adults (men and

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