Across the country there are many people about ready to take on new leadership roles. A couple are very obvious and prominent; Senators Obama and Biden who will soon have new jobs. But there are hundreds of others – new Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, Town Council Members and more. Of course over the next few months many
Today is Election Day in the United States – and for that reason I’m thinking about the word responsibility. It doesn’t really matter what day you read this, because our need to think about responsibility from a team leadership perspective is always critical. Today though, as I thought about responsibility, I read a quotation from Jackie Huggins an indigenous
I used to frequently facilitate a five-day workshop. As a part of the process for this workshop, we had a Thursday night dinner where all of the participants got together and celebrated the week – even though there were a few more hours of workshop remaining. When the workshop took place near our home, my
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