Across the country there are many people about ready to take on new leadership roles.  A couple are very obvious and prominent; Senators Obama and Biden who will soon have new jobs. But there are hundreds of others – new Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, Town Council Members and more.  Of course over the next few months many

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Today is Election Day in the United States – and for that reason I’m thinking about the word responsibility.  It doesn’t really matter what day you read this, because our need to think about responsibility from a team leadership perspective is always critical. Today though, as I thought about responsibility, I read a quotation from Jackie Huggins an indigenous

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I think it’s pretty incredible that when Americans head to the polls tomorrow (and for the many who have already voted) we are selecting just the 44th person to live and work in the White House. That’s not very many leaders over more than 230 years! And it’s not like the last 230 years have

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I’ve noticed a theme in my life lately, and it has a great deal to do with your ability to lead successfully.  The theme is simply stated by the slogan on the t-shirt I wore last Friday night as trick or treaters came by our home. “Just Be Nice” I love the shirt and the

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This is an appropriate title for me because I have thought and said “I want to win!” many times in my life. Ask those who know me best and they will tell you that I am a competitive person in just about any facet of life. Ask those who’ve known me my whole life and

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I recently read a poll and of the nearly 1,000 people who were asked, “Do you need a vacation after your vacation?” 87% of them said ‘yes’. It is clear that the commonly stated purpose for a vacation – rest and relaxation – might not be working very well! While most of us take vacations

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We’ve all been a beginner at something and looked to someone else to coach us and help us become more successful. Sometimes we find a mentor or coach who is really skilled at helping us, and other times, their experience doesn’t seem to translate to being able to help us very well.  It is easy

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Maybe you are a voracious reader. Maybe reading has never been your favorite thing (though if that is the case, you’re probably not reading this!) Either way – whether you read a book a week or struggle to finish one a year – it would be helpful to gain more value from the time you

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Most everyone I talk with wants greater success in some (or many) parts of their life. And however independent you may think you are, no one can achieve as much when they are working alone as they can with the collaborative help of others . . . if that collaboration is truly helpful. You hopefully

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