Leaders know that communication is one of their key roles. In fact whenever I work with a leadership team or group the subject of communication always comes up. People want to know how to communicate more effectively, and why people don’t always seem to hear what they are saying when they do communicate. In those

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We can do Project A or Project B. Do you want more time or more money? You can have a great marriage and average career or average marriage and great career. I’ve got yellow or red, which do you want? Win or lose. Yes or no. The world is black or white. You can have

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Though I am not a native of Indiana, I look forward to a little slice of heaven each August – the twelve days of the Indiana State Fair. My affinity for the Fair started out as a way to reconnect with my farm kidhood – a chance to see animals, smell familiar smells (smells that

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Our calendars are full, and our to-do lists are long. We live in a world that seems to bring more information, expectations and options to us each day and all of these things tend to accelerate the pace of our lives. There was a time, not that long ago that a trip across the United

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When people think of the word “reflection”, they typically think first of a mirror. After all, we use it as a part of our normal morning routine. We walk to the bathroom and look at ourselves in the mirror. We do that, out of habit, to see “how we look” and to help us improve

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