You’ve heard the phrase that when something seems too good to be true, it probably is. You’ve heard it. You’ve said it. And you’ve thought it. And sometimes it’s accurate. Today I am encouraging us to go past that moment to look a little deeper. Here are some questions to consider when you have this thought

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The age of endless, boring meetings with a sea of eyes peering at us through an ever-increasing number of miniature squares is sadly upon us. Strict face-to-face meetings are likely a thing of the past, and the need to wrestle with videoconferences won’t be going away any time soon.  Many of us love the convenience

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You’ve likely found yourself in this situation (either as the leader or as a team member). The leader asks a question and gets nothing. It’s crickets. No one says anything. And the leader is wondering, why don’t they talk? Well, there are a number of reasons why they might not be saying anything. And it is important to understand

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Since March of 2020, more has changed in the workplace and how people see and view work than had changed in the previous thirty years. During this time of tumult and uncertainty, some teams have leaned into their culture. Others have wondered what theirs will become. There has been more talk about organizational and team

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Organizational culture has never been talked about more or mattered more. It makes sense. People see culture as a primary lever to improve retention, increase collaboration, improve productivity, and much more. Would you like a powerful way to learn from world-experts and thought leaders about how to design, create, and nurture your organizational culture? A

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I have been a longtime fan of President Ronald Reagan, and not because of his policies (this isn’t a political conversation). But rather I am a fan because Ronald Reagan was an achiever. He achieved in sports; he achieved in the military; he achieved as an actor. He became a governor and a president of

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We’ve been communicating since we first entered this world. Over time, we added language, experience, and awareness to help us get better at interpersonal communication. And though we’ve done it our whole lives, it is still complex. We often fail in effectively communicating our messages. Looking at the world and the world of work today,

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There are plenty of problems with procrastination. When you procrastinate, you could be falling behind. You could be missing deadlines. You could be losing opportunities because you’re not getting around to taking advantage of them. And for any or all of those reasons, you might be reducing the trust that you have with other people. Now,

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There are reasons why practices get started things – the origin stories usually make sense. But for some things, we’ve lost the original purpose – or that purpose is no longer being served – yet the practice remains, because “we’ve always done it that way.” This is especially true in organizational life. Let’s look at

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