Pick a topic, hobby, or avocation and there is probably a podcast for it. According to Jay Baer and Edison Research, by 2022, 57% of Americans have listened to a podcast. And more than 75% of those who know what a podcast is have listened to one. These numbers are growing every month. In fact,

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If I asked you what your first thought is when I say the word “conflict”, chances are it wouldn’t be positive. And while there is certainly a downside to conflict, the truth is conflict isn’t always bad. In fact, there are many times when conflict can be a good thing. And in the video below, I’ll

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Are you returning to the office? Is your staff worried and anxious? Are you? After two years of working away from our former second home, people are worried and concerned about coming back. As a leader, what can you do to understand and ease those concerns? What are Their Concerns? A quick internet search will

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Does your team have the talent you want and need? Are you experiencing staffing challenges, perhaps even losing great talent? Are you having trouble attracting the talent you need to maintain and grow your business? Rather than looking at the economy, the Great Resignation, or your competitors, maybe it is time to look in the

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Micromanagement. We have all experienced it – and if you are a leader, you have mostly likely done it. Yet no one ever says that great leaders are micromanagers. If it isn’t effective and we don’t like it done to us, why do we micromanage? The Pressures to Micromanage Not all the items on this

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eLearning in some form has been around for most of the lives of anyone who might be reading this. From the beginning, and again with each new advance, eLearning has been heralded as the future of learning. Yet talk to most anyone and you will find that for the all the promise, there is disappointment.

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In this episode, we’re talking about making room for conversation and I’m using a cup metaphor to illustrate some important points. As humans, we all have a mental and emotional cup. And like a cup of tea or a cup of coffee, if it’s completely full, there is no room for anything else. Literally. This cup metaphor

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For centuries, people have wanted to find the fountain of youth. People traveled for months on ships to try to find this mythical fountain of youth, because we’d all like to be younger, right? What about wisdom? I think we’d all like to be wise, and the good news is we can find the source

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MayThere are many things people feel they lost during the pandemic. Beyond the tragic loss of life and major changes in routines, the loss I hear about most is the loss of connection. Both personally and professionally, the very real sense of isolation has grown as travel has been restricted and the workplace for many

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