Stress. We all have it in our lives. And unfortunately, the workplace is commonly noted as one of the major sources. While the sources of our stress at work are varied, understanding those sources can help us reduce or manage that stress more effectively. Let’s call those triggers for stress. And if we can reduce

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Think goal first. That seems like pretty solid advice. And it seems like something that is easy to do. And yet…we don’t always do that. In today’s episode, I’m sharing a short story from my own personal work that highlights the importance of remembering to think goal first and keep adjusting routines to stay in

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A few weeks back, we wrote about how showing your pets on Zoom meetings, or at least not hiding them like guilty secrets, can help the team bond and get to know each other. But can it go too far? Here’s the other side of that conversation. Apparently, some people make their pets too central

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There is plenty of discussion about negative feedback, and why not? While we have all gotten plenty of it, it isn’t often very effective. And since it isn’t effective, leaders and coaches are always looking for ways to give it more effectively. While there is plenty of good advice about how to do it, there’s

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In a previous episode, I made the case for mental fitness. You can see that episode here. I hope you go back and watch it. But let me just summarize it in short right here: to be mentally fit or to think about mental fitness is to be proactive about our mental health. Just like

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Have you been on a Zoom meeting with Bob in Accounting, and it looks like he’s sitting in a luxurious office with a view of Manhattan? He’s not, of course. He’s using a virtual background to hide the fact he’s actually working from the north end of his dining room table. Someone recently asked a question

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Growth doesn’t occur in a linear way. We know that when we look at kids. They have noticeable growth spurts. Most plants don’t grow continuously, and certainly not at the same rate throughout their life. The same is true for us as leaders, professionals, and people. We go through seasons of growth. When we understand

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I doubt there’s anyone reading this who doesn’t use at least one calendar. In fact, if you’re at all like me or members of my team, you likely have multiple calendars – calendars for work, calendars for personal, calendars for kids activities… Calendars are important and we all likely use them. So what’s the purpose

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There are many factors that impact people’s performance at work. These factors include skills, experience, physical health, mindsets and values, and their mental health, too. We all know that when we’re stressed, anxious, or worried, we can’t do our best work. Therefore, leaders should care about the mental health of their teammates. But is it

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