In case you haven’t noticed, LinkedIn is far more than a professional networking and job seeking site. It is the most vibrant social media platform for professionals – with the least nonsense associated with it. For nearly a year, I have been writing a weekly LinkedIn newsletter called Remarkable Results. Humbly, I’m going to tell

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Last week, on the jetway to board a flight, I heard a young girl behind me say (to no one in particular, as far as I could tell), “Make it a masterpiece.” For emphasis, she said it three times. “Make it a masterpiece.” I’ve been thinking about her advice ever since. What if we focused

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It’s been nearly two years since you may have been forced into remote leadership. Like being thrown into the deep end of the pool, you have survived. But chances are you would like to do more than simply survive. As you have settled into this new mode of leading, you might wonder if you are

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Leading is hard enough in “normal” times. But the times in which we are living and leading are far from normal. Supply chains, viruses, economic changes, and changes in expectations, needs, and demands can all create exhaustion. Sure, a big challenge can create a spike in engagement and focus, but we can’t survive on adrenaline

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Are you experiencing flux or continuous change? Chances are you are almost laughing at how obvious your answer is. Here is another obvious question: Would you like to thrive in times of change (like now)? Would you like some concrete tactics to help you deal with the realities and emotions of constant change? April Rinne

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If you’ve ever been driving in the United States on an interstate, every so often, you’ll see a sign that has a number on it, a mile marker. You’re probably familiar with those. They didn’t originate in the U.S. and in modern times, but rather during Roman times. Marking progress on the journey with milestones

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Every challenge, every trend, every new situation presents opportunities to learn, if we look for them. The trend toward people rethinking their work and careers, often called The Great Resignation, is one of these times. As a leader, have you thought about what this situation can teach you? Have you learned any lessons from The

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It’s been called The Great Resignation, The Great Reshuffle, The Great Realignment, and more. Most of the conversations and press about this trend have focused on two things: how good it is for individuals, and how bad it is for organizations. I believe it doesn’t have to be that way at all. Would you like

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Looking for a way to help your team achieve goals? 

As a frontline supervisor, you help to set goals. We help the team to set goals, we help individuals on our teams to set goals, and you even help departments to set goals.

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Most of us have plenty of goals that we set in our lives – health, financial, personal. And today we’re talking about team goals or organizational goals. But before we get to that, I want you to think about it as a team member, as an individual contributor. Have you ever had someone hand you

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