Atticus Finch, Atticus Finch, you might immediately know who I mean and you might be thinking, I should know that name, shouldn’t I? Well, Atticus Finch is the protagonist in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. If you haven’t read it, you’ve probably seen the movie. If you haven’t done either, you should go watch

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It is said that the best leaders are readers. The research and my personal experience would certainly back that up. Why? Because leading is a complex exercise, and to be good at something complex and keep getting better at it, we must keep learning. While there are many ways to learn, reading is an important

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This is the last and fourth in a series of episodes about four-letter words. But don’t worry – this and all the other episodes carry a G rating. You can watch the other episodes here. As the title of this post says, I am talking about the longest four-letter word. So technically, it’s not a

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If you lead for very long, you will find yourself leading when you, members of the team, or the entire team are facing something difficult. Heck, if you are leading now, you’ve had to deal with the pandemic and its fallout. But more specifically, how do you lead when grief is involved? Leading while grieving

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There are lots of reasons to listen to podcasts. If you choose to listen to one on leadership, chances are one of your goals is learning from podcasts. Each week on The Remarkable Leadership Podcast, I interview a leadership expert or expert leader. My goal is always to create a conversation that is not only

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If it has not happened already, the day is coming when you will need to implement a change that was not your idea and that you either do not like or at least have reservations about. As a new, front-line leader, that situation is incredibly difficult. You might feel stuck between your team and “management.”

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In the time of the Great Resignation, when organizations are cutting operating hours and running leaner than ever because they can’t get the help they need, many have declared a war for talent. I understand the challenges, concerns, and urgency all of the upheaval is causing organizations and leaders. But is it really a war?

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I’ve been saying for a while now that the future of work is flexibility. Flexibility in where people work, but also when they do it – flexible work schedules. Recently, I met and read the book of Joe Sanok who is taking this idea to what some will say is an extreme, but also a

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Hi, I’m Kevin Eikenberry, answering the questions that new leaders ask us. Actually, it’s our goal to help all leaders be more productive, successful, and confident. And today I’m answering an age old question.

The question is how do I reduce turnover?

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