Since July of 2016, I have been hosting The Remarkable Leadership Podcast. It started out as an audio only, one way only medium, as most all podcasts were then (and most still are). But now (or for the last several months), most episodes have been recorded live on video – with the chance for others to

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by Kevin Eikenberry I love the vibrant colors of the changing leaves. One of the great benefits of living in Indiana is seeing the beauty in nature all around. And as I take it all in, I’m reminded each year of the reason we get to see this tapestry: change. Fall is truly a period

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  Meteorologically, the difference between climate and weather is a measure of time. Climate is how the atmosphere acts over a relatively long period of time. Weather is the atmospheric conditions over a much shorter time period. There is an organizational correlation to the climate and weather relationship. As a leader we need to recognize

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You’ve heard of helicopter parents, right? These well-intentioned parents tend to hover over their children (like a helicopter) and typically take too much responsibility for their children’s experiences and lives. They of course do this out of love, to protect their children. Have you ever had a helicopter boss? Again, likely out of good intentions,

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Few will disagree that reading is a powerful way to learn. In fact, even nonreaders will agree with this truth. Never before has there been more to read, in more ways, from more sources. Nor more excuses and explanations for not reading. If you want to get more read so you can learn and act

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We are all in the decision-making business – especially as leaders. In order for us to make effective decisions, we need clear decision criteria. Yet too often, we don’t slow down to consider, we just decide. When you look at the next decision in front of you – do you know what your criterion for

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Culture is a much-used word, at work and in our personal lives. And it’s usually over-complicated. In today’s episode, I’m sharing a story from my family’s past to help you better (and more simply) understand exactly what culture is and isn’t. Tweet it out: Culture doesn’t come solely from a big corporate push. It is

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Quick – what do you think of first when you hear the word “different?” Once you get past judging yourself or wondering why I asked you the question, or wondering what the right answer is, chances are a bunch of thoughts, feelings and experiences come to your mind. If you look at that mental list,

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I have two quick questions for you. First, in general, what is your confidence level? And in general, how would your results change if your confidence was higher? Your unspoken answers to those questions likely prove my point: building confidence is a proven and effective way to get better results in most any area of

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Several years ago, we started using the words “hybrid teams” to describe a team where there are some people working in a physical office and there are some people who work virtually outside of the office. And while we started using this word well before the pandemic made it a household term, we believe that

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