I’ve been saying for a while now that the future of work is flexibility. Flexibility in where people work, but also when they do it – flexible work schedules. Recently, I met and read the book of Joe Sanok who is taking this idea to what some will say is an extreme, but also a

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Hi, I’m Kevin Eikenberry, answering the questions that new leaders ask us. Actually, it’s our goal to help all leaders be more productive, successful, and confident. And today I’m answering an age old question.

The question is how do I reduce turnover?

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This is the second in a series of videos on four-letter words. This might shock my Grandmother – that is until she watched them to see what these words are and are not. 🙂 The last video was on the most dangerous four-letter word (You can watch that here). And this video is on the

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Accountability is a word thrown around (a lot), deemed important (it is), and yet seen as negative (by many). And while it is sometimes misunderstood, it is highly desired on teams and for individuals. Would you like to unravel the mysteries of creating greater accountability? Would you like to reap the benefits for yourself and

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Bet you weren’t expecting a video title like that on this blog?! 🙂 Well, don’t worry. The video and the entire topic is totally SFW (safe for work – and anywhere for that matter!) In fact, the four-letter word I’m talking about in the video below is one we hear ALL THE TIME. And in

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Driven in large part by the pandemic, a useful and needed conversation about improving mental health has moved to the front of the stage. And as helpful as that is, the timing seems off. If we wait until we are mentally unhealthy to address it (personally, organizationally, and/or as a society), we are causing unnecessary

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For many people, work is changing. When, where, how, and with whom we do it are all up for grabs. If the future of work is changing, that means the future of leadership is changing too. If you want to be successful, that is. Before you can be a successful leader in the future of

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Today I am challenging your thinking on how you give and receive feedback. And I’m starting by asking you: How do you see feedback? Do you see feedback as a gift? Your answer to these questions will help determine how successful you are in both giving and receiving feedback. Follow: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts,

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One of the big challenges we hear about hybrid and remote work is that “collaboration is difficult.” One CEO I spoke to said, “My people just come up with better answers when they can work together physically.” That led to an interesting discussion: What does it mean to come up with the best, or right,

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Everyone has thoughts and feelings about feedback. For most people, the first and most prevalent thoughts about that idea are negative. Think about it – if someone says to you “I need to give you some feedback,” are you immediately jumping for joy? Most likely not. Given that initial reaction, how can we improve our

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