I have two quick questions for you. First, in general, what is your confidence level? And in general, how would your results change if your confidence was higher? Your unspoken answers to those questions likely prove my point: building confidence is a proven and effective way to get better results in most any area of

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Several years ago, we started using the words “hybrid teams” to describe a team where there are some people working in a physical office and there are some people who work virtually outside of the office. And while we started using this word well before the pandemic made it a household term, we believe that

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That is a broad question – how important is confidence? Let me narrow it down just a bit – how important is confidence at work? Now that we have framed the question, let’s create a useful answer for you. In short, it is more important than you may realize. I could share research to help you

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The future of work for many will include new flexibility in when, where, and with whom people are working. Those changes mean leaders need to adjust their approaches and habits to be prepared for leading in the future. We have long said that while much about leadership hasn’t and won’t change (even with a pandemic),

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Don’t let that title scare you. I am not turning this into a health series and I am not selling any supplements. 😉 A few of months ago, I decided I wanted to get rid of my “COVID 19”. Pounds that is. So I studied up on intermittent fasting and then I went to work.

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Birthdays. We all have them, once a year. What can/should/might we do to celebrate birthdays at work? Is that the role of the leader? How has this changed if the team is remote or hybrid? It is those questions (and more) that we will explore below, giving you things to consider, and possibly some things

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Persistence is good and virtuous. But it’s also hard. And telling someone to be persistent seldom goes all that well. We may know it, but don’t want to hear it – or even know what to do with the advice when we hear it. Many years ago when I was at Purdue, I was having

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The world has changed a lot in the last 20 months. And all of this change has rightly gotten everyone thinking and talking about the future of work. Where will we work, when we will work, how will we work, and will it all work? There is understandable uncertainty about those questions. But now isn’t

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As you live in this very uncertain present, you can see that the future of your work – where, when, and how you do it – might be changing. If that future looks murky, uncomfortable, or scary, you are not alone. And if you are looking not just for yourself but for your team or

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You tell me – is email the best thing since sliced bread or the bane of your work existence?  Chances are you have considered it to be both – perhaps on the same day. My colleague and co-author Wayne Turmel wrote a great post with the same title on our Remote Leadership Institute blog and

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