Think about a time when you were really confident – when you did something and before you did it, you were confident about how well it was going to go. What happens when you’re confident? Things generally go pretty well, right? Confidence is critical to our success, especially as leaders. In the video here, I’ll

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If you are interested in growing as a leader, professional and/or human, you know that learning from thought leaders and experts is an important strategy. But it is one thing to know and say that, and another to actually do it. Here are five specific strategies that can help you grow faster and learn more

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One of the fastest and most predictable ways to build your leadership skills (or most any other skill for that matter), is to learn from experts. And while there are plenty of ways to do that, it can be a slow, laborious, and solitary exercise. Wouldn’t it be great if we could learn from those

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I’ve written often about the importance of setting clear expectations with our team members, including here and here, but expectations run both directions.  Do you understand your employee expectations of you as a leader, and about their work and working situation?  This has always been an important question, but now that we are living/have lived

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by Kevin Eikenberry When thinking about team or organizational culture, often new and frontline leaders think the way they did as individuals – that culture is something for the C-Suite or senior management to think about.  Culture, they often think, is above their pay grade.  Yes, culture can be driven from the top-down, but it

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As you look into the future of work and your workplace, there is plenty of uncertainty.  When things are uncertain, we don’t feel like we have much control of events and the future. Big external factors have always impacted our organizations and the context of our work, but never has it seemed as obvious and

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I’m willing to bet that every day, we spend some amount of time waiting. Waiting on hold. Waiting on our food order. Waiting for our kids to get off the bus. Waiting, waiting, waiting. And I recently observed a group of people who were waiting for quite a long time. In this episode, I’ll share

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In the early days of the pandemic, the rush was on for remote team building. People looked for ways to host virtual lunches, virtual happy hours, and other time-consuming, sometimes elaborate approaches to building teams virtually. Now that many organizations are settling into – or planning for – a hybrid workplace, they are looking for

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Even before a pandemic added to our anxieties on every possible level, there was already a serious problem with anxiety at work. While I’m not glad the problem has become more pervasive, I am very glad it is now more commonly discussed. And doubly glad there are great resources to help us understand and overcome

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