Maybe you have been part of a book club before – or maybe you haven’t and have always wanted to. But have you ever been in a leadership book club? Or one that was led by the author(s) of the book you are reading? Now you can! When you join the From Bud to Boss

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Gossip is definitely not something we love or that we hope to have at any workplace. In fact, if we could REVERSE gossip, that would solve many conflicts and issues at work. But before we get to the idea of reversing gossip, we must first discuss two facts about gossip as a whole: 1. Gossip

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Gratitude is typically seen as a personal endeavor. I am a big believer in both the mindset and practice of gratitude. As leaders, we have a major opportunity and responsibility that goes beyond our personal beliefs and practices. Today, I want to make a case for leadership gratitude. Simply put, you are a more effective,

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Here’s a fact: Kids LOVE Halloween. Why? Because of the rewards, of course. The candy! And while they are thinking about the sweet treats, they are also thinking about being scared. Now when you think about it, preparing to be a leader is eerily similar. You think about it, you plan for it, you expect

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If you are like me, you have been on hundreds of conference calls in the past. They were a brilliant solution to remote communication requiring only a phone, a number to the bridge line, and a passcode. Conference calls served a need, but now, like the fax machine and the pager, their future looks dim.

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We’ve all been in virtual meetings where a participant (maybe it’s you?) mutes themselves at the start and remains muted for the entirety of the meeting. And while there are a variety of reasons and situations where muting makes sense (I’ll review them in the video), there are even more reasons why you should UNMUTE

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Empathy – understanding the feeling and emotions someone is feeling as a way to provide solace and support while building understanding and trust – is a critical leadership skill. I’ve written and recorded several messages about empathy in the past few months, because this practice is more important than ever. In the past, I’ve tried

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We’ve been recording The Remarkable Leadership Podcast since July of 2016. To date, I’ve had conversations with over 230 leadership experts and expert leaders. From the beginning, it has been my goal to make this the most engaging, entertaining, and useful leadership podcast available. Each conversation focuses on informing, inspiring, and encouraging leaders to learn,

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No engagement. No participation. Can’t get people to speak up. These are just a few of the many issues that we have with virtual meetings. And in this video, I am demonstrating 4 ways that a simple cup can help improve your virtual meetings.Follow The Remarkable Leadership Podcast Apple Podcast Spotify Google Podcasts Amazon Music RSS Your Favorite Podcast

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