If you’re suddenly forced to work from home and worry you can’t get anything done, imagine you’re stuck in Europe during the worst days of the Black Death/Bubonic Plague.  Now consider that some of the greatest works in Western literature came out of that time. And they had no WebEx or Slack to help. Boccaccio

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Getting work done in a normal workweek is hard enough. But when the coronavirus causes travel restrictions, or natural disasters strike business districts, as it did this week in Nashville or during the hurricanes in Houston, everything becomes even more chaotic than normal. The key to remaining calm and productive during crises like this is

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No doubt you’ve heard the old phrase, “people don’t quit jobs, they quit managers.” This is particularly true for people who work at a distance from their coworkers and their manager(s). Why is the risk of remote workers leaving higher than people who come into the office every day? There are a couple of simple

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by Chuck Chapman, Content Strategy Coordinator This week, in response to the threat posed by the coronavirus outbreak, the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said that it’s more a matter of “when” rather than “if” Americans would be dealing with the virus. The CDC’s announcement had an immediate negative impact on the stock

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by Chuck Chapman-Content Strategy Coordinator We make no apologies for our unbridled enthusiasm for remote work. Not only is is remote work at the heart of everything we do on this site, it’s how we work ourselves. And now that most of the the rest of the world has had at least a taste of remote work,

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What do you do when your remote direct reports seem surprised by the feedback they get? They shouldn’t but some people seem to know exactly what and how they’re doing, while others seem oblivious. What’s a leader to do? When I teach our Coaching and Feedback at a Distance sessions, no matter who these folks

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For a remote team to function well, trust is one of the most important factors. We leaders need to believe that people are working when we can’t see them, that the quality of the work will be high, that people are accountable for the deadlines and outputs that others require to achieve the team’s goals.

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Once in a while I come across a technology tool designed to help leaders of remote teams excel. I’m always intrigued by what drives this innovation. Today, I’m interviewing Abhinav Chugh from Peoplebox.ai. Their stated vision is to build an AI Coach, which is personalized and readily available for every manager to help his/her team

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by Chuck Chapman, Content Strategy Coordinator As Kevin and Wayne constantly point out, while location and some things change when we have remote teams, much of what makes an organization successful remains the same. That’s very true when it comes to leadership development. If you want your organization to continue to grow, you need to

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You’ve heard of the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back”? Wayne shares a true story about how one little tech item was the “last straw” for one remote worker and how remote leaders can proactively make sure little things don’t add up to big problems. https://youtu.be/MhMkxItmj58?rel=0&showinfo=0

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