By Wayne Turmel If you’ve ever had small children, you know that moment when all the chaos and noise stops and it’s…too…quiet. You immediately go in search of the little hellions, because they must be up to something, and you’re not sure you want to know what it is. Managing a remote team can be

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By Jaimy Ford, business writer and editor. How do you convince your project team to pull together, focus and get the job done? For decades, Craig Ross, Angela Paccione and Victoria Roberts from Verus Global, have been trying to answer that question. The professional development specialists and coaches have spent more than 65,000 hours studying and

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By Wayne Turmel Just in case you got all comfortable using your shiny new Skype for Business platform with your team, now comes news that it’s all going away. Kind of. Microsoft has announced that it’s going to move away from Skype for Business as its main collaboration tool and roll out Microsoft Teams. This

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By Kevin Eikenberry, co-founder of the Remote Leadership Institute. Engagement is a very trendy word these days. No doubt, it is a critical component of every workplace. However, many experts, including writers, speakers and consultants have made the idea of engagement far too complex. So let’s get past all of that right now. Let’s get to

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By Kevin Eikenberry, co-founder of the Remote Leadership Institute. Shiny object syndrome. Most of us have at least a touch of it. The moment your team has mastered one technology, you read about a new one that you just have to give a try. Just about the time you are making some progress on a task, your

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By Wayne Turmel Have you ever heard these complaints from your team? “The people in the home office have it so much better than the people who work from home.” (or vice versa…. Both sides complain about the other) “I don’t even know what everyone else is doing.” “My boss keeps changing priorities on me;

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You are not a control freak. You are not a micro-manager. (Keep repeating this until it either feels true or you decide to stop being a control freak micro-manager.) Still, your life would be a little less stressful if you just knew what was happening with the team members who work far from you. You’re

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