by Robby Slaughter Here’s the question everybody asks: How do I talk to my supervisor about telecommuting? It’s easy to find advice on the topic. For example, Web Worker Daily ran an article titled “How To Ask The Boss If You Can Work Remotely” and SitePoint served up “Telecommuting: How To Approach Your Boss.” Both of
by: Laura Neidig Do you feel like it’s impossible to get your remote team working in harmony? Too often, we look at leading remote projects and teams as making the best of a bad situation. We look at the barriers, rather than the possibilities. Here’s an example of a classical musician using online collaboration to
By Kevin Eikenberry When it comes to goal achievement, we as leaders, for the most part, have got it all wrong. It’s our job to help teams, departments and individuals set goals, but too often, we establish the goals, put plans in motion and then forget all about them, leaving employees to their own devices. When
The Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness developed this fantastic infographic that details the key qualities you must posses to be a truly great leader. Remember: Even if you don’t work in a traditional office or you have employees located across the globe—even if you never lay eyes on your employees in person—you have a
By Kevin Eikenberry Leaders know that communication is one of their key roles. In fact, whenever I work with a leadership team or group, the subject of communication always comes up. Some people want to know how to communicate more effectively. Others want to know why employees don’t seem to hear what they are saying when
By Kevin Eikenberry A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post titled “Seven Keys to Leading Virtual Teams,” and I thought I’d share some more ideas for effectively managing a virtual team. After all, the advice is needed because so many of us are leading at least one virtual employee. What was once the territory of geographically
By Kevin Eikenberry There are many reasons why trust is important to leaders. With higher levels of trust, you are able to influence change more easily and quickly. With more trust, you are able to create higher levels of productivity and team cohesiveness. I could go on, but in short, gaining your employees’ trust is critical
By Kevin Eikenberry. Until recently, when people thought of the word “team,” they thought of a group of people working together in close proximity. That applied to any sort of team, be it sports or work. Of course, the world looks different now. While sports teams still need to compete on the same field or
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