Leadership is always hard. Always has been. But it’s certainly easier when things are going well, right? But when times are tough, when there are challenges that you’re facing, when you look forward and see a difficult situation, it’s harder to lead. Chances are you’re here because the title of this video intrigued you and it

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Time Magazine famously names a Person of the Year in December. I’m naming uncertainty as the Word of Year now. We don’t even have to wait. I know, the future is always uncertain – the only time we have 20/20 vision is looking backwards. Yet, due to a list of factors as long as your

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Much training has occurred virtually over the past two and half years – both as a practical and a preferred manner. And while we have been delivering learning experiences virtually for many years, most would agree there is something about an in-person learning experience. That’s why I’m pleased to announce that we are bringing our

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In today’s episode, I’m asking you a question, and that question is, can great leaders be gentle? If you make a list of adjectives to describe great leaders, gentle probably isn’t on that list. I mean, when you think of the word gentle, what do you think of? Do you think of things like soft or

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Micromanagement. Leaders tell me all the time that they’re not doing it, but if I talk to their teams, I often hear something different. And here’s the thing, the other person decides if you’re micromanaging. It’s wonderful to think that you’re not. But the reality is, if the person you’re leading or managing thinks you are, then you are. Because

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Perhaps the biggest challenge facing many organizations today relates to the return to office. There are a ton of emotions, opinions, and anxiety about these plans. Whether you have made decisions and implemented them or not, the uncertainty surrounding the Return to Office is justified and understandable. Would you like a new perspective, a non-biased

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